I’ve noticed my latest articles focus on tech “calling/ priestly” aspect of what I do, everything the way… AND they were so encouraged. The
issues (practice techniques, etc.), technology else seems to come into alignment with that. room was packed, people were worshipping,
(drum triggers/ hybrid kits), and all things My practice, my preparation, my flexibility in and they were happy with the sound.
“brainy.” … or maybe it’s left-brain. Anyway… odd situations, my love for the Lord’s presence, I feel compelled to bring the focus back to our my love for people, AND my desire for them One more interesting moment: Leann and I
“priestly calling” as musicians. Our editor always to experience Jesus when I’m playing. Ask played with the Italian team for ecumenical
reminds the writers to encourage players in the yourself, “How can I honor the Lord in every celebrations in Rome during the Jubilee
ministry of what they are called to do. I believe moment, so HE enters into the moment music Celebrations of the charismatic renewal in the
the training of a worship musician should is pouring out of me?” YES, I believe it makes Catholic Church. Actually, there were many
always cover the technical and the spiritual. It a difference in the whole atmosphere of a challenges during these events, but there’s
should really always be about both. But for this congregation when we step into this realm not enough space here to cover it. At the last
one, let’s turn our hearts towards “the heart” of of our priestly calling. Am I always doing this evening celebration with Pope Francis and
what we do. “Worship Drumming!” perfectly? No, but that’s my goal… my focus. leaders from many different denominations at
Philippians 3:12 NIV – “Not that I have already the Circus Maximus in Rome the monitor mixes
Of course, this theme is true for all musicians, obtained all this, or have already arrived at my were pretty rough, but I kept my heart focused
singers, teachers, preachers, etc. … and really, goal, but I press on to take hold of that for on praying, worshipping, and interceding for
the whole body of Christ. – Revelation 5:10 which Christ Jesus took hold of me.” what the Lord was doing at this event. I would
AMP - “You have made them to be a kingdom
politely ask the monitor engineer for changes
and priests to our God; and they will reign How does this work in the “real world” of as we worked, and everyone was serving each
on the earth.” But for those that are the lead worship drumming? Let me share two recent other and worshipping together at the same
worshipers on the platform of every church experiences. On a recent Italy mission Leann time. So amazing!
or gathering there is a unique calling to be a and I were working with a local team. After “gatekeeper to the presence of God.” I’m rehearsing for a special concert event on a When the pope was speaking, the Lord
reminded of this time and again by the Holy nice acoustic kit, I was asked to play digital prompted
Spirit… YES, I believe the Lord speaks to us. drums in the large gym/auditorium we were worshipping… to actually play something!!
to perform in that evening. Arghh!! My first I thought, “Lord I can’t do that. It would be
Even when I practice, or work on my reaction, in my drummer’s mind, was NO interrupting the moment.” I sensed Him saying
equipment, or step onto a platform to worship, way!!! But somewhere in my heart (my spirit) – “No… not anything audible… Just rub your
I’m inviting the Lord to draw close to me in I knew I needed to serve the leaders in this hand on the floor tom; then just tap your fingers
that moment to prepare for what’s coming. way. I probably could have made a fuss and lightly… so quietly only I will hear you.” WOW…
This should ALWAYS be stirring in our spirits forced my will into the situation because I was a OK Lord. So that’s what I did. As I sat there and
when we approach our work – our calling. In all “special guest.” I just knew the Lord was saying listened to the message my hand was moving
things, this should become our “way of living.” something different. softly over the floor tom. I was praying and
I Corinthians 10:31, 33 NIV – “So, whether
worshipping. No, I don’t have any idea at this
you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all So, I worked hard on making that digital kit point what that was doing “in the spirit.” But the
to the glory of God… just as I try to please sound as good as I could; adjusting samples Lord knew. And that’s all that matters.
everyone in everything I do, not seeking my and settings until it was just right. They did let own advantage, but that of many, that they may me add a live snare to the left of the kit and In all of our training, practice, and preparation
be saved.” I know the apostle Paul was talking one ride/crash cymbal to the right for lighter remember: we are more than drummers/
about a specific area, but I believe it does apply moments or rolls. They didn’t even mike those. musicians. We ARE priests! Embrace your
to the “all that we do” thing. Don’t you think?? Anyway… it didn’t really matter. I just poured my calling.
heart into the worship and enjoyed playing with
What I’ve learned is that the more I focus on the my Italian friends. The night was powerful by
40 August 2017