PERCEPTION: When you operate out of your faith, a “Kingdom aligning your subject with imaginary guidelines
An observation and interpretation based chiefly Perception”, you pre-decide what your focus is and intersecting points that looks like a grid
off of memory. going to be on no matter what the situation or over your photo. You are allowing linear features
image is in front of you. in your photo to draw your eye from section to
An observation and interpretation based chiefly
As creative photographers, our faith allows us
off of….faith. the opportunity for God to work through us,
Our perceptions as creative photographers spiritual creativity that we didn’t even know was
and He allows us to tap into a whole realm of
are a huge key to taking a photograph and not
only creating a visual memory from it, but also
capturing the emotion of the subject, and in
turn, the feeling of the viewer. Anyone can go
up to a camera and push the shutter release
button to take a photo. So, how do you get an
extraordinary experience when a viewer looks
at our work? And how does our faith come
through in our creativity?
possible. All of a sudden, we see ordinary things,
like a lone oak tree in a big field, and instead of
just seeing a tree in the ground surrounded by
grass, we see the light that is glistening off of the
leaves and how that light is streaming through
the branches and creating shadows. We begin
to measure in our minds what that is going to
look like at 7:00 am, at 12:00 pm, and which
direction the sun is going to set in the evening to
get us that “golden hour” look that we crave. We
photographer’s perspective, but from a life
perspective, that whatever you focus on is
know, by just measuring in light, what someone’s
perception will be when they view that image. As
photographers, we measure not in inches and
section. That’s the technical rule of thirds. But
there is a deeper ‘rule of thirds’ that takes your
image from ordinary to extraordinary.
These deeper ‘thirds’ are:
It’s important, as a creative, to constantly
surround yourself with creative things in order
to keep your focus on what is going to develop
your work and take your creativity to new
heights. Stretch yourself and your perceptions
of other people and their creativity.
As a photographer, focus on your faith. By
meters, but in color, in light, in shadows, and in surrounding yourself with that, and other
emotion. How amazing would it be if someone’s artists, musicians, writers, actors, speakers,
If you constantly focus on negative thoughts, observation and interpretation of what is going on and painters that God has already placed in
images, and situations, you will tend to find in the photo inspired them forward in their own your life, all of a sudden you will see with an
more of that in your life because that’s what you faith? extended lens.
situation and interpreting with negative feelings, So, how do you do it? Every photographer knows And that lone tree in the field down the road… it
which your mind turns into a negative memory. the ‘rule of thirds’. It is applied in your photo by will go from ordinary to extraordinary.
what develops. It’s been scientifically proven.
are focused on. You are observing a negative
August 2017