[WM] In addition to being Joel Houston’s [Matt] It’s a bit of both. It could be piano or primary writing partner, you’ve also written guitar, or sometimes just singing while I’m amazing songs like, “I Surrender”, “Go” and walking down the street. I’ll record that into my [Matt] I love the singer/songwriter folk vibe,
“Fire Fall Down” on your own. Is it different for phone. so maybe Ryan Adams. And I would have to
you when you’re writing on your own, or is it
you the most, and if so why?
say that one of my favorite songs of all time is
the same “pool” and you just happen to be [WM] How has the your records in your by a guy named Ray LaMontagne called, “All
swimming around by yourself? collection changed your world as a songwriter? the Wild Horses”. It’s just a very simple song,
[Matt Crocker] I write with Joel more than I [Matt] Mikey Chislett used to pump music Just the emotion and the flow of it is something
write with anyone. I find that we just have a flow down my throat cause I used to just love Pop that I love. If you can connect to someone on a
that works. When I write with Joel these days, punk and he was always giving me Beatles simple level, then you’re doing a great job.
he’s so thematically driven with his songs, and albums, and The Police, and all these old he’s unbelievable with lyrics. It’s not that I don’t records that, as a kid, unless you’ve grown [WM] What advice do you have for young
help with lyrics, but I know how to step out of up listening to it you’re like, “This is so weird. songwriters that are coming up?
the way when it comes to that stuff. If I don’t Why would I listen to this? It sounds terrible!” understand where he’s taking it, then I’ll just let And then you actually start listening to these [Matt] Get on your own. Put the time and
him take it and we’ll see where he’s going with songwriters from back in the day, like John effort into it. Dig and dig and dig. I remember
it. I’ll keep trying to write lyrics for it at the same Lennon and Paul McCartney, and all those being inspired by one of the guitarists from
time too. guys from back in that era. It’s all of those older the Red Hot Chili Peppers who just wanted
albums that really stand out to me as a pivotal to play guitar, so he would actually play guitar
When I’m on my own, I’m not consciously point in my songwriting, as far as learning from for 7 or 8 hours a day, just trying to get better
thinking, “I’m writing a song on my own and them. There’s so much great music around and better at it. So, for me, when I had the
this is going to be my own song.” But if I’m these days, but a lot of it, when you listen to it, chance to do it, and obviously it’s easier when
writing a song and it feels like I’m going to be you can hear the inspiration that comes from you’re younger and you don’t have too much
finishing it on my own, it is a little bit different. those guys who paved the way. responsibility, and that’s where I was at, I just
but there’s something really stand out about it.
You have the pressure of trying to figure it out
decided that I was going to write as much as
on your own and you don’t have someone [WM] Out of the Beatles era, what are some of I could. Any moment that I had free, and any
there to bounce ideas off of. It really helps to your favorite songs, albums, and artists? spare moment I would be in my bedroom,
talk through ideas with people. When writing
writing. Not consciously thinking, “I’m learning
on my own, then getting on my own before [Matt] I love the late ‘60’s and what they did how to write,” but just doing it and putting pen
God is the thing that works. They are usually then, when they started detaching themselves to paper, writing terrible songs, but gradually
very simple songs when I write on my own. from the public and just started making music. getting better and better at it.
Just honest, God-seeking songs. I think that’s I think that was kind of cool, and that was a the “hat” I put on. I’ve got a room back home moment in time where writing music was I think for a songwriter who is aspiring to be
where I’ve set up a piano and I turn all the lights something fun that they enjoyed. It was different someone who does it with their life, that’s what
off and just worship and start singing whatever and it pushed the boundaries. It was so good, you’ve got to do. You’re not just going to fall
comes to me. Then I’ll find a melody or some and I think that it’s needed in music and I think into it. You’ve got to put the time into it and
lyric in there that stands out and I’ll try to figure people are continuing to do that. You can tell craft what it is and what your sound is. Be true
out if that’s the song. If it is, then I’ll start figuring when there are times in music where people are to who you are and don’t be scared of what
out what it is and what it’s going to say. And getting stale and wanting something different, everyone else is doing. If there’s a sound that
that’s how it happens. so they just go and do something completely you’ve got, go with it, because it’s probably
different, and people will move with it. your sound for a reason. I would just say, “Work
[WM] Is piano the main instrument that you
write from, or does it vary depending on what [WM] Who are your favorite lyricists, and are
you have in your hand? there any particular songs that have influenced
26 August 2017
[WM] Thank you so much Matt!