playing “Hosanna”. A lot of
time has passed since then,
and you guys are every bit as
relevant today as you were
then, probably more so. What
advice do you have for teams
that want to develop the kind of
longevity that you guys have?
[Matt] We love music, and
we’re not just trying to progress
our music because that’s “what
you do.” It’s because we love it
and we’re listening to music all
the time and learning and trying
to evolve. When I was growing
up, honestly, I hated Christian
music. But what I fell in love
with was worship. It drew me
in to realize that these people
were writing these songs to
pour out their hearts before
decided then and there that is what I was going it, but trusting that was what God wanted us to God. I fell in love with that part
to do, and that I was going to put the time and do. I’m a big believer that God’s hand is on the of it. Now, I guess I’m involved in the Christian
effort into it. I spent a lot of time on my own, Church, with a capital “C”. But also, His hand industry, but I know that every single person I’ve
learning the craft and kind of slaving away at is on every individual church, and every church ever met that’s involved with it is doing it for the
it. I found out that it’s kind of like a muscle. out there has its purpose in Christ and has a reason of loving people and loving God. I think,
You have to exercise it to grow it. I spent many mission to do something in that neighborhood for us, it’s been about continuing to press in for
hours on my own, alone, learning how to write. or that city. I would say, figure out what it is the deeper things of God. I think that connects
that you believe that God is wanting you to do with people on a level that makes them want to
[WM] There’s a quote on your Instagram feed personally. Take from what’s out there. There listen to us, or to be a part of what we’re doing,
from when you guys were starting on Empires. are so many churches doing great things, not or to come to the nights that we put on. We’re
It says, “The way we started this album looks just us. Take inspiration and learn, but also trying to be as honest as we can in what we do.
something like this: We had nothing on the figure out what it is that you’ve got. Maybe it’s board, so we made the board and believed not the music, but maybe there’s some other [WM] I saw an interview you did with an
God for the songs to come. Believing for the form of ministry that is something that God Australian T.V. station, and you were talking
supernatural takes a natural step sometimes. wants you to tap into. But don’t just think that about trying to reach unchurched people
Especially when writing an album. So, we they way that other people are doing it is the through the medium of what you guys do.
got to it and just stepped out and started.” only way to do it. God is incredible and He can People in the secular community are used to
Considering the impact that disc has had, it’s use anything. seeing someone like Justin Bieber, who many
refreshing to hear how much you let God lead
people know is a believer, but they see the
you as you stepped out of the boat. What are [WM] All of the Above came out a decade performance side of what he’s doing. It’s not
your suggestions for worship teams in seeking ago… reasonable to expect that if you stand like a
out what God has for them?
bump on a log on stage that people from the
[Matt] That’s a long time ago!
secular are going to be able to relate to what
[Matt] I think people tend to look at what we
you are doing. What’s your advice for people
do, and they think, “That’s the way to do it.” [WM] That was a huge album and included who are trying to bring in elements that will
Our journey has only ever been just stepping “Break Free”, “Lead Me to the Cross”, and relate to people who aren’t saved and build that
out of the boat and kind of not knowing exactly “Hosanna”. I was in Australia at the time and bridge, while not having it be performance?
what it was that we were doing, or how to do I remember that every church I visited was 22 August 2017