Interview by Doug Doppler
Photos by Joe Termini
In a recent survey we discovered that just next generation could have. If you’re looking for
under forty percent of the churches in the U.S. a playbook on what to do and how to do it,
have a youth worship team. While it is easy then read on!
Pastor Brian Houston?
[Matt] He encourages us, and is so releasing
to see the impact that Hillsong United has
in his leadership. It doesn’t stop on the platform.
had, it is just as important to remember they [WM] Hillsong United started out as a youth He trusts us. For me, my understanding when
started off as a youth worship team. Thanks worship team. What specific things did you I get up on the stage is that I’m to pave the
to the encouragement of leaders like Darlene and/or your leaders do to propel you guys on way for the message of God. That happens
Zschech, this team flourished and grew into the to the things that you’ve done? through songs and worship, and we want to
international phenomenon they are today.
point everything towards the preaching and the
[Matt Crocker] I think just the fact that we message. We treat it as a journey. My goal is
Matt Crocker literally grew up in church, and the all grew up together is the biggest thing. We to create an atmosphere for people to be able
sound that is Hillsong United was birthed out all went to church together and went to youth to enter into the presence of God and then
the deep relationship between its members. group together. Some of the guys have known hear the message of God through the actual
Originally a drummer, Matt was encouraged to each other since they were toddlers. The music speaking of it. I love the idea of teaming up with
step out from behind the kit and lead worship. came after all of the friendships and the fun. The someone to create that atmosphere. It allows
He also spent years honing his songwriting longevity is there because we are friends and people to encounter His presence.
skills and as an end result, he’s become Joel family, and we treat it like that before anything Houston’s primary writing partner. Noting that else. Continuing to make sure that’s the main [WM] How did Darlene Zschech’s hand shape
Hillsong United is but one team, if all of us are thing is what has driven us to keep going. the team, and you personally?
[WM] What did you learn about worship from [Matt] I grew up with Darlene. She is kind of
missional about raising up the next generation
of worship musicians, imagine the impact this
Matt Crocker
Jonathon “JD” Douglass
August 2017
Jad Gillies
Michael Guy Chislett
Benjamin Tennikoff