[ PRESONUS STUDIO 192 AND DIGIMAX DP88 | Michael Hodge ]
PDIF, Clock I/O, and 16 ADAT Ins/Outs. Internal out and useful app. UC Surface can be installed
DSP allows for very low latency while recording on iPad or Windows tablets, so you can access
Record up to 192K via USB3.0 with Fat Channel processing on each channel. the units wirelessly.
Audiophile Burr-Brown A/D
converters The DigiMax DP88 looks similar on the front of the unit, with the Preamp controls, LED levels, The XMAX preamps sound great. They are
Works with all major DAWS and 48V Phantom indicators. On the back are punchy and have plenty of headroom and
Integrated Studio Command Center 8 XLR inputs, ADAT Ins/Out, Clock I/O, and detail. The internal DSP allows recording with
DP88 expandable 8 channel preamp 4 sets of DB 25 connectors for Mic and Line up to 16 Fat Channels engaged, and with
level inputs, Direct Analog Outs and, ADAT zero-latency monitoring. Each Fat Channel
Digital to Analog conversion (DAC). Both units have has a high pass filter, a gate with sidechain,
interfaces, PreSonus has become a “go to” recallable XMAX preamps and Burr-Brown A/D compressor, a parametric EQ, and a limiter. It’s
product line for both home and pro studios. converters. really cool. I like that the gate has a sidechain,
The Studio 192 has won a lot of accolades, and
and having both a compressor and limiter will
when combined with the DigiMax DP88 eight- After registering your units, there’s some really be a big help if you use them wisely. Parallel
channel expansion unit, has a total of 16 analog great stuff added in your PreSonus account. mix knobs might be a nice addition in the
Audio inputs, MIDI, and more. You get the Studio One Artist DAW, including a future. Regarding Studio One, I’m mostly a
nice collection of instruments, loops, and plug- Pro Tools guy, and I was still very impressed
FIRST LOOK: ins including the Fat Channel. Also included by the whole platform. It’s very intuitive, easy
Both the Studio 192 and the DP88 come well are: Eventide 910 Harmonizer and 2016 Stereo to use, and full featured. I can see why it’s
packed. The build quality is solid and what you Room, Brainworx bx_opto, SPL Attacker, Maag becoming so popular. Moving on, the DigiMax
would expect in pro rack gear. Both come with Audio EQ2, Lexicon MPX-I Reverb, Arturia DP88 adds an additional 8 analog inputs and is
minimal printed documentation and point you Analog Lab Lite. After downloading all the easy to configure. The review unit didn’t include
to the website for tutorials and downloads. software and setting up your DAW or included the necessary BNC or ADAT lightpipe cables,
When you combine all of the analog and digital Studio One Artist you’re ready to rock. I must which is normal for preamp and interface units
connections, the Studio 192 has 26 inputs and add the included plug-ins are fantastic, and on the market today, so you will need to go out
32 outputs. Recording with 24-bit resolution compatible with all popular DAWS. and get them. Fortunately, I have a collection
can be done at 44.1, 48k, 96, and 192kHz
from my ADAT days, and had no issues. With
IN USE: all the preamps in record, there was very little
On my Mac, I downloaded and installed noise, and my impression is that the internal
The front of the Studio 192 has two combo everything without too much problem. There is clock is solid. Note: It is also possible to add a
input controls to access preamp parameters. quite a bit of stuff, so it takes a little time. After second DP88 for eight additional analog inputs,
There are LED indicators for input, main out, hooking everything up I was impressed how though without Fat Channel DSP.
and phantom power, and a large Monitor out together the system integration was. Included knob with two Headphone outs with Volume with each unit is the UC Surface software to CONCLUSIONS:
knobs. There are also soft buttons for Dim/ control Preamps, Fat Channel parameters, In a real-world project studio, I don’t think you
Mute, Mono, 48V phantom, and talkback with a Effects routing, and monitoring configurations. can go wrong considering the Burr-Brown
built-in mic. On the back of the unit are 6 more The UC Surface allows for saving all these A/D conversion, internal DSP, and monitoring
Analog Inputs, 10 Analog Outputs, Stereo S/ settings for future sessions. It’s a well thought options, including the built-in Talkback mic.
sample rates.
Add the DP88 and you are set for tracking a
rhythm section. The UC Surface software lets
you address all your preamps and monitor
mixes. With the addition of all the included
software and Studio One Artist, you have a “big
bang for the buck” turnkey system.
Studio 192, $899 / DigiMax DP88, $699.
DigiMax DP88
Studio 192
August 2017