becoming a citizen. To enter PraiseWorld3D, go professionals we call Angels who are always on marketing. My hope is that PraiseWorld3D
to our website to download and install the free present and assisted by AI software. Their job will host tens of thousands of Christians in our
3D browser on any Microsoft Windows device. is to assist users when needed and ensure first community. To accommodate growth, we
If you would like to test drive the perks, we offer that Christian culture and family values are simply get another geo-located server and
a two-week free trial. observed by all avatar users. The rule is “If install a mirror image of the original community
you shouldn’t do it at church, you can’t do it on it. Users can choose which server they want
[WM] Another aspect I like about you is that in PraiseWorld3D”. Additionally, all users can to connect to. Rinse and repeat as needed.
you are a musician as well. In fact, you started mute any other user at any time should they find God willing this could be a massive global
playing professionally at just 12 years old and any chat undesirable or inappropriate. Parents enterprise and touch many lives.
have been a full-time musician for most of your are encouraged to participate in PraiseWorld3D life. Tell us how you started as a musician and with their children. And when the kids go to Ministries
about your career? bed, they can enjoy some good old-fashioned participating and establishing a presence
Christian adult time :-) in PraiseWorld3D, can enjoy access to the
[Rick] In 1972, my mom was employed in
very market they seek. In turn, their presence
a data center for a large auto company. After [WM] Last, what are your hopes and dreams increases the draw for Christian users. It’s a
work they would frequently visit their favorite for PraiseWorld3D? Where do see it being in mutually beneficial symbiotic relationship.
white-collar five years?
entertainment. One Friday night she learned
Additionally, we offer a wide array of dynamic
that the band for that evening canceled the gig. [Rick] Let me clarify the part about hopes and advertising such as virtual billboards and signs,
Seizing the opportunity, she arranged for me to dreams. The vision for PraiseWorld3D came embedded video and radio spots, branded
play for the owner and that night my career was to me in a dream. At the time, I had no idea vehicles or avatar clothing. Due to the nature of
born. With my acoustic guitar and a modified what the dream meant but it was in color and the 3D environment which we control (and God
tape looping device, I was able to perform a I remember every bit of it. There’s an old bit in of course) advertising like this is limited pretty
single act including vocal harmonies and guitar which God tells Noah to build an ark. Noah much to imagination. This gives recording
solos featuring songs by John Denver, Jim replies, “OK God, but what’s an ark?” Upon artists, video content creators, and any other
Croce, James Taylor, etc. which was popular waking the next day after I initially had the faith-based entities the ability to reach the
on the radio at the time. dream, let’s just say I could relate to Noah in Christian niche directly.
the bit. So, to answer your question about what
[WM] In PraiseWorld3D you have opportunities my aspirations are, it’s only to see God’s will be
for musicians to showcase their music. How done in everything I do.
does this work?
[WM] Any closing thoughts?
[Rick] Here’s my elevator pitch when asked,
However, there are millions of people who “What is PraiseWorld3D?” If you take the video
[Rick] The use of media is a central cannot go to church or gather socially with game environment, social media, and online
focus per the entertainment value found in other geographic, media delivery and cooked it in a pot, spiced
PraiseWorld3D. Users can gather at virtual financial or physical obstacles. My fondest it up with the Holy Spirit and served on a bed
venues in avatar form and enjoy video on giant hope is that PraiseWorld3D will offer these of God’s people, the dish would be called a
virtual screens. We also have a streaming radio people an opportunity to do so. Considering 3D Online Christian Community. Welcome to
station dedicated to independent Christian current conditions caused by the Corona virus PraiseWorld3D!
recording artists. The best part of our method most of us find ourselves unable to go to church of delivering media is that it can be enjoyed in or gather for fellowship. It is my hope, via our [WM] Rick, we know that you are a hard-
real time together with other avatar users. virtual churches, to give the body of Christ a working man as you build this Christian social
safe place to gather no matter what obstacles world. Thank you for your time!
[WM] A 3D community on-line also can pose
in the real world come up.
some risks in todays’ society and you also have
[Rick] Thanks, however just like [WM], I have a
teenagers involved. What kind of safeguards As for where I see this in five years, let’s return to servant’s heart and working hard to please God
are there for your participating “citizens” as you discussing our business model. There are many is a labor of love. But I digress. Appreciation,
call them? ministries and faith-based ventures seeking the recognition and props are nice too.
attention of the Christian niche market. Each
[Rick] The community is monitored by trained
is spending a lot of time, treasure and energy
April 2020
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