it again?” I remember as a young person feeling what God is doing. Doesn’t everyone want to that sense of revival within me in our youth be “young and free”? How did the name come [WM] Laura, God be with you and Peter, and
ministry, and just having these incredible times about? your leadership and vision over the young and
in the presence of God, completely changing
free! May God protect and provide for you and
our lives forever. Then I look at this generation [Laura] Truthfully it was the theme of our youth yours and the church there. Thank you for your
and I’m like, “God, do it again”. If ever there at the time when I was trying to find the name dedication within this segment. And thank you
was a time for people to find Jesus and truly to of our worship team. I love what it represents, I so much for this time.
be awakened to what He is doing on this earth, think that it can be an old person with a young now is the time, and its such an incredible time spirit, and it can be a young person who is for history. So, it’s an anthem, it’s a worship old and weary in spirit. I think it’s just the state anthem, and its powerful. We really did have of your heart. I love the fact that truth for you an incredible youth leader. His name is Alex doesn’t come from doing what you want and Pappas and he leads this song. He has such living however you want, true freedom comes an incredible and powerful voice and I think it from the truth, and the truth is Jesus. So, we just completes the song. I’m excited for it. feel like it’s not just a movement. We pray
[Laura] Amazing, thank you.
Visit Laura and Hillsong Young & Free at:
that way because young people, old people,
[WM] In closing, Hillsong’s official website and beyond the walls of our church as well,
states that Young & Free are “the expression and that people would see that true freedom and
sound of our youth and young adult ministry”. liberating truth is found through a relationship
Young & Free is a very attractive “branding” to with Jesus.
April 2020
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