and to point them towards a strong relationship our college where we have students who come church, to equip people to build the church
with Him. from all over the world to devote one, two, three going forward.
or more years of their lives to growing in the
[WM] I’m impressed with the Hillsong Word. From theology, to church leadership, to [WM] Hillsong Young & Free released a full-
curriculum that is made available to this age film and television, to songwriting and creative, length project this past September, called
group, and ministry school offerings to those I think that’s just part of the mandate of our III, Reimagined. But I would like to ask you a
after high school. The lineup of major topics couple of questions about your new single
includes Leadership, Theology, Bible, and releases. “Best Friends” was released just last
Lifestyle. That’s a great continuing foundation month. Not necessarily a worship song, it is
for young adults. What say you? an anthemic and clarion call for the young to
gather together.
[Laura] I think again it’s just that the key part
of our vision is just to build into the generations
“I don't want to be on my phone, but I can't
and help them to build a life of significance, a
life of leadership, and so that’s why we have
be alone
Welcome to the modern way
Best Friends
April 2020
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