Worship Musician April 2019 | Page 10

going to be okay. That’s our only hope with writing these songs, that they connect people to Jesus and that hope that He brings. [WM] Speaking of worship, some people mistake the magnitude of your expression of worship as a show and not the fact that you’re ‘just doing church’. Can you speak to that? [JD] We it’s not a show, but it’s a show of God’s glory, a show to glorify God. We joke about that to make sure we all stay focused where we are doing our best to put on a show that is really going to encourage, bless, and be something that people can enjoy. Always on the night it’s a journey, and some nights we get there quicker than others. But there will be a point where one of us will stop and say that this really isn’t about the sounds or the lights, but that this is about being here to encounter Jesus and to worship Him. I think that what’s really fun about these nights. People come in from all different walks and seasons of life. But we get to this point where people focus their eyes and their attention off the stage and have an encounter where they can connect directly with the presence of God. And that’s a beautiful thing! All of the cameras usually go down, and maybe it’s all their hands raised in the air, but you can just kind of tell there’s a sense of people getting the heart of what this is all about. It’s definitely an amazing journey when we do get to watch people actually realize that it is just a big church service and we are gathering. It’s a lot of fun to watch that unfold. [WM] In one of the live videos I saw of you guys on YouTube, I could see that Taya was pushing for a breakthrough moment in worship and that to my eye, there were so many people capturing the moment through on their iPhones, that it kind of got in the way of the breakthrough itself. Using myself as an example as well, the [Matt] We used to really wonder why people either going to grab people straightaway, or it’s last time I saw you guys I too got consumed are holding up phones, I mean, it’s not about going to take more of a journey to get them to a capturing some of my favorite moments on us, but I know for myself that I’ve gotten to place during the night that really connects them my phone rather than experiencing them in the point where I’m kind of just trusting God is with the presence of God. It’s just trusting God worship. What are your thoughts about all of doing His thing. I think my whole goal, especially that whether people are holding up phones this? with a set list like you asked me before, is to or enjoying the night, it actually becomes real try to create something that’s a journey. That is at some point and that they’re one with God. 10 April 2019 Subscribe for Free...