one here in Nashville, it feels kind of like a pivot summer, an idea that there is supposed to be and all the figures and get back to the heart of
tonight. fruit in every season. And there just isn’t, that’s the matter.
now how nature works, nature is actually very
[WM] You took a year out of the spotlight to connected to our spiritual lives, I think it’s a [WM] So, releasing a solo album and
unplug. What drove that decision, and how did beautiful visual of our spiritual lives and the way supporting Hillsong United the upcoming U.S.
that time transform you? that it’s meant to unfold. We were never meant tour is a bit of a contrast to the little house in
to live in an endless summer, there is a fall and the woods where you wrote this disc. Your
[Amanda] There were a lot of factors that a winter, and it’s necessary and it’s beautiful. If (awesome) PR team sent this quote along…
went into unplugging. Necessity really breeds we learn to surrender to it rather than resist it, innovation, and when we get to the place it actually ends up growing us into the kind of “I spent that time really looking at the existence
where we really need to make a change it often tree that we want to be, the kind of tree that of what is and radically accepting it,” she
eclipses the fear of change. I needed to peel we dream about being when we’re a tiny seed recalls, “and then experiencing the faith and
back in a lot of ways and on a lot of levels and dying on the ground, wondering why we’re hope of the sunrise and the bliss of the little
get to some key questions that were within my dying, and that’s because it’s actually time to moments that keep our hearts beating and our
own soul, within my own psyche, about who I grow. lungs breathing.” – Amanda Lindsey Cook
were having, but I really hit a mid-life crisis, For me, a lot of it had to do with persona and They also said that you referred to the journey
which we all eventually probably go though. A personality, who was I, and who had I become. from the forest and trees into the light as your
mid-life transition, I don’t know if it’s necessarily What was expected of me. Am I a collection ‘heart map’. Contrast being the operative word,
a crisis, but usually crises end up being the of beliefs and thoughts and emotions, and can you tell us about your journey between
initiation to that transition or transformation perceptions that people have of me, or is these two dramatically different shades of
that takes place. When our paradigms, and there more to this? Is there an essence to that reality?
our belief systems, and all the things that we which carries the whole thing forward? Is there have set up nicely and in order for the first half an essence that I’m connected to that I am [Amanda] I just love that question. I remember
of our life, they can’t carry us into the second sourced by, beyond and beneath and within, reading Henri Nouwen a couple of years ago,
half. We find ourselves at the mercy of God. For and often in spite of, all of the other things that a book called The Way of the Heart, and he
me the details aren’t so much important in what I think make up who I am as a person? In order did a study on the desert mothers and fathers,
led to the decision, I think it was a progression to go to those spaces and not just run away about how they went into the desert to seek
of decisions that took place, I think it was a from them… there is an essential quietness solitude and connect to that internal eternal
progression of invitations. that needs to happen. I needed to focus, and space, that infinite source, the golden thread
I get distracted very easily so in order for the that holds us all together. The breath of God we
The house on a hill that I ended up in really focus to be there I just needed to pare back like to call it. And just to remember it, because
was an invitation. It was an invitation that felt on the noise, not just externally, but internally it can get so noisy and I can get sidetracked
providential from my friend and producer who’s too, and let the questions rise to the surface. from it daily (laughs), hourly, minute-to-minute
family had just moved into a new place, so he Go into that interior space of my own heart and sometimes. I forget that I am forever connected
offered it to me to find a haven for a time and soul. Which is where ultimately, I’ve felt like I to the source that holds everything together,
have some clarity, a clear space to get down found my own conscious, my own connection and in my forgetting there is a deeper forgiving
to some sub-levels and do some root work and communion with the divine there, which which Jesus has already accomplished, which
underneath the surface. I think as a culture continues to be a practice, and continues to is so beautiful and wild to me that on the cross
we get so obsessed with kind of an endless heal me. I had to scale back on all the forms His conversation with the Father was, “Forgive
With Bethel Music // “Tremble” With Bethel Music // “Starlight” Amanda Lindsey Cook at WorshipU //
“For the Love of Beauty”
was. It’s going to be existential, this chat that
April 2019
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