Lindy & The Circuit Riders
by Bruce Adolph
As publisher of [WM] Worship Musician the surrender my life to Christ until I was eighteen door telling people about Jesus. Which is funny
last 16 years, I have done a lot of interviews. or nineteen, because I knew about God. I was to do when you don’t really have your own
It is rare for me to walk into an interview never the least musical of everyone, so I thought I was revelation, you know? I remember walking up
having met the person before. Lindy Conant- the one that won’t do music. But I was always to this lady and asking if she knew Jesus? She
Cofer was one such person. Right off the looking for something else, I really enjoyed was really sick, she had flies all over her. She
bat however, I found her unabashed honesty theatre, I really enjoyed public communication, didn’t have much energy. And she looked back
refreshing. Her insights into her spontaneous all the leadership type of things. at me with these piercing blue eyes and said,
worship style were illuminating and her bold
“Do you know Jesus?” And I was like, “Nope”. If
passion for evangelizing inspiring. Let’s get to Then I started going on mission trips, purely someone in that much suffering, who has every
know Lindy & the Circuit Riders. because I wanted to hang out with my friends excuse to not believe in a God, is beaming
and travel. There was no drive for missions or with joy because she knows something I don’t
[WM] Lindy, tell us a little about your anything, I was just a classic Bible Belt kid who know… this is a God I want to find!
background, how did you get into music? just doesn’t really know God for themselves… but just kind of did whatever. So, long story [WM] Tell us how you got involved with Youth
[Lindy Conant-Cofer] I was raised in a short, I end up going on a mission trip, and on with a Mission?
Christian family, and a musical family. I didn’t this one mission trip I remember going door-to-
April 2019
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