TG2-500 Limiter compressor. So I pretty much nailing it. We tried to make it feel kind of low
run both signals, the 57 and the Royer 121, key, we didn’t want riffs to come out and hit
through all of those things with the Chandler you in the face or anything, we wanted it to feel
LTD1. On the EQ, I do a lot of boosting of the really subtle. So Dylan was doing a few things
top end, 10K, 12.5K, which kind of makes it with reverse guitar, and I think I was trying to
sound more exciting. Then, the compressor be more on par with a Johnny Marr style, and I
cleans it up a bit and makes it more punchy
think Jad was mainly playing chords and stuff,
and more present. Hillsong UNITED // “Another in the Fire” [WM] A lot of the Chandler stuff is inspired by [MGC] For “Another in the Fire”, we messed a time, you can see us in the video kind of looking
Abbey Road. Is there any kind of a nostalgic few different ways of playing it, and we finished around waiting to see what section we’re going
connection to their gear as well as the obvious that Thursday night of the conference that we to do next, we we’re pretty underprepared. It’s
sonic ones? were recording not feeling very good about it. funny looking back, the guitars aren’t incredible,
but it just kind of happened. A lot of it would be
just how you would play it at church a lot of the
So we recorded it again that Sunday night, and but the feeling of the whole thing is incredible
[MGC] I’ve had the Chandler LTD1 for maybe the guitars were better on the Sunday but the and at the end of the day that’s what more
sixteen years now. I’ve got two of them now, vibe of the whole thing wasn’t as good as the people are going to care about, so we just kind
I’ve pretty much run every vocal through it Thursday night, so we ended up going back of went with it.
since I started using it. Everything I’ve recorded and using the Thursday night recording. It was vocals on has been through that. I just recently just one of those things.
[WM] How does a live recording impact your
got a Chandler EMI REDD Pre. There’s just
role as a producer?
something about their stuff, and those guys are I think guitar wise it’s cool and it’s different, and so cool. And I just love the Beatles recordings, I I appreciate it more now, but I remember at the [MGC] It’s pretty stressful. You can tell when
spent so much time when I was young learning time feeling really disappointed that we weren’t all the videos come out, which will be in the
every guitar part. The fact that someone is
making things in our day and age that has a
character, has a tone, and has a sound, I just
really get into it.
So the TG2 is a compressor, a limiter, and it just
does lots of different things. A lot of people’s
theory is that you just record the guitar in and
you just try to get it as clean as possible, but
I’ve really enjoyed shaping stuff along the way,
so I have some of this stuff in plug-in form but
it just doesn’t react the same way. There’s
something about plugging a microphone into
pre-amps and compressors and EQs, to me
it just sounds interesting and it’s kind of why I
enjoy guitar playing, I just like all that stuff. So,
I’m pretty hands-on when it comes to actually
recording. I’m always just trying to find things
that sound interesting.
[WM] The video for “Another in the Fire” has
you on the White Falcon, and Jad and Dylan on
Strats. How do approach orchestrating parts
with three electrics and not get in the way of
that main guitar part you’re playing?
With Dylan Thomas at Fender in Corona, CA
April 2019
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