CONS: You need a solid keyboardist and some ambient harmonic trails. This type of reverb is Well that pretty much covers the most common
sort of sound library like Mainstage or a nice often called a ‘shimmer’ or an ‘ambient’ reverb. ways to incorporate pads into your local
keyboard with great built in sounds. You also This audio effect is difficult to describe so check scenario. At the end of the day, our job as
tie up your keyboardist who could be playing out the audio sample below. The audio signal worship musicians is to create environments
some more intricate parts on synth lead or is manipulated in a sophisticated way that and spaces for distraction free worship to
piano. If you use software-based sounds you creates higher octave shifts and modulations occur. We use all the tools available to us to
will also need a computer or laptop to run that imitate an ambient pad layer based on the allow people to enjoy the deep moments of
those. This is the most expensive scenario. sonic information of the instrument. This is a corporate worship and music plays a huge
very cool sound used by many modern worship part of that. Pads are a great way to assist
TIPS: Choose your sounds carefully. Keep the guitarists. Some common brand names of this in creating that atmosphere consistently and
high-end frequencies dialed back and make effect are the Line 6 Particle Verb which does requires little effort to achieve fantastic results.
sure the patch isn’t too overbearing sonically. this very well, the Strymon BigSky Shimmer or You don’t want a subtle pad part to sound like the Valhalla Shimmer Reverb.
If you haven’t started using pads yet, I would
a 90-piece string section!
encourage you to take the plunge. I’ve heard
PROS: This method is super cool, artistic and testimony after testimony of people who are
unique due to its reliance on the musician to so glad they jumped on board and started
create the musical information as well as the using them in their services across the globe.
often-unpredictable nature of the reverb itself. Something cool happens to us as humans
Works well on piano patches. when we find ourselves in a warm atmosphere
of sonic bliss. Pads are just one more step in
CONS: Requires a ton of gear ‘tweaking’. Can that direction. Jump on in and see for yourself
get out of control and chaotic in the hands of how you can benefit from this musical mystery
the wrong musician. Also uses up one of your and be on your way to a more excellent musical
musicians. experience in your own environments!
TIPS: Spend time crafting the exact right
amount of shimmer. Rolling off low end helps
This method is more of an ‘effect’ situation. clean up the sound spectrum of this effect and
This scenario takes an instrument signal, such can prevent muddiness. Do not rely on this
as an electric guitar or piano and routes it method for predictable results.
through a reverb specifically designed to create
April 2019
Brian Michael Fuller
A composer, multi-instrumentalist and worship
musician who currently serves as the worship
arts pastor at Newhope Church in Durham,
North Carolina. You can hear some of his original
production music at The pad
sets that he has designed are exclusively available
at and have sold over
50,000 copies!.
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