I don’t play along with tracks - I play tracks. Suite. If you’re looking to buy Ableton Live, I 4. CONTROLLER
There is a difference. Like my acoustic guitar, I would recommend getting Live Intro for $99. A piece of gear that takes playing tracks to a
see tracks as another instrument that I’m playing You can always upgrade later if needed. Ableton whole new level is a MIDI controller. This allows
while leading worship. Some initially think that Live is the leading software in the music industry you to have full control of your tracks instead
using tracks is limiting because it keeps you for running tracks. Just like anyone who writes of the tracks having control of you. There are
trapped to an arrangement, but it doesn’t have documents would know what Microsoft Word hundreds of great MIDI controllers out there. If
to be that way. With the right gear, you can take is, anyone who runs tracks knows what Ableton you’re looking for a controller to use with your
full control of your tracks and use them as a Live is. Both of these applications are excellent hands, I would recommend the Ableton Push,
fresh creative expression of your worship band. options with almost infinite abilities. Novation Launchpad or Korg NanoKey. These
are great controllers that let you assign buttons
My track rig has changed many times over the
years, but there are a few pieces of gear that are
essential for anyone who’s getting ready to start
playing tracks.
This is an obvious one, but to run tracks you
need to have tracks. When I first started playing
with tracks, I created my own using Reason and
GarageBand. I really enjoyed creating my own
tracks because I was able to use creativity to
produce my own versions of songs. It was also
a great way to prepare for the weekend service
because by the time I was finished, I knew the
...take full control
to different sections of songs, repeat the chorus
or jump to a new song. If you’re looking for a
hands-free option, I recommend the Looptimus
of your tracks
Foot Controller. It’s a simple USB pedal that
and use them as
a fresh creative
lets you control all of your tracks with your
feet. Using a controller quickly turns tracks into
another instrument in your band that you can
expression of your 5. IN EAR MONITORS
worship band. in-ear monitors at your church, the price-tag for
This one scares a lot of people. If you don’t have
a system can seem really intimidating. There
are a lot of great options out there, some more
arrangements inside and out. If you don’t know
how to produce your own tracks, there are 3. AUDIO OUTPUT DEVICE affordable than others. I recommend checking
many great places to purchase tracks online. Getting the tracks connected to your sound out monitor systems by Behringer or Aviom
I would recommend LoopCommunity.com. system is the next step. The easiest way to first. If you can’t afford an entire monitor system,
It’s more than a track store, it’s a community do this is to use the headphone jack on your don’t worry! Just focus on getting the click and
of worship leaders who are supporting each device. You can purchase a simple splitter cable tracks to the person in your band who really
other in using technology in worship. They have that takes a stereo 1/8” headphone jack and needs to hear them. This could be the drummer
thousands of tracks for just about any song you splits it to two mono 1/4” jacks. In your music or the music director. As long as the person in
can think of at the most affordable prices out software, you simply pan the click to the left and your band who is keeping time can hear them,
there. Loop also gives away tracks every month the tracks to the right. Connect the headphone everyone else can simply follow along. I led
and it’s free to sign up. splitter to direct boxes or directly into your worship with tracks for five years without having
sound board or stage snake. If you want to have in-ear monitors.
2. MUSIC APPLICATION more mixing control over each instrument track, Once you have tracks for your songs, you need you can use an audio output interface. Anything If you’re brand new to tracks, these are 5 things
an app to run those tracks in. If you’re just by Motu or Focusrite is a solid interface, but I you need to get started. These tips will help you
getting started, I would suggest using a mobile would recommend checking out TrackRig.com. not only run tracks, but allow you to play tracks.
app called Prime MultiTrack App. It’s completely Track Rig gives you 8 XLR outputs that you can If you want to learn more about using tracks
free and works on macOS and iOS devices. You route your tracks to. It’s an easy way to have in worship, sign up for my free online course
can customize your arrangements, change the multiple outputs when running tracks. There’s at tracksinworship.com
key, adjust the tempo and more. Another great no wrong way here. I often use the headphone option is Ableton Live. There are three different jack for simplicity and quick setup.
versions of Ableton Live - Intro, Standard and
April 2019
Matt McCoy
Matt is a worship leader and songwriter from
Chicago. He is the founder of LoopCommunity.com
and an Ableton Certified Trainer.
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