for practice. The recital went well and I was For years MainStage, Apple’s software so covering up or competing with what someone
thrilled to complete my degree. popular with worship keyboard players, has else on the team is playing? Carl Albrecht,
intimidated and frustrated me. Does that whose articles for drummers are featured here,
How full is your plate today? When you look sound like an area where I could ask God for says, “A great musician has big ears.” Listen
for blocks of time when you might practice are help doing the hard work needed? For sure. well to your team. Not just the instruments
you convinced that you just need more hours in Thankfully, I’ve made some good progress with but the vocals as well. You can really frustrate
the day? Well, since that’s not happening, what MainStage lately due to my work with some your listeners by playing too busily during
are your options? What are my options? Would great tutorials I found online. Primary among vocal phrases. That can be like listening to two
it sound too preach-y if I said we can trust the them are the resources available through people talk at the same time. Arggh! That’s
Lord to help us with this? I want nothing more definitely something to avoid, and something
than to know that the Lord is ministering to His
you can make part of your practice routine.
people through me and my worship team each Beyond the challenges that technology might week. I’m sure you share that desire. I know present, do you feel at ease with your role on These are real challenges for all of us. Norm’s
that He is ready to help us in our pursuit of that the worship team? Are you comfortable and found a way to build regular practice into his
goal. And part of that pursuit involves us being secure in playing the various lead parts that day. Ignore any condemning voice in your head
disciplined musicians. might come your way in the songs you play? that says you couldn’t do the same. I fight the
If not, make exercises out of them. Play those same battles in this area. So does Norm. But
So, will you let Norm’s words challenge you? Are lead lines in different keys. Play them with our God is good at helping us when we bring
you willing to admit, like I sometimes must, that different rhythm patterns to reinforce those our frustrations and hopes to him. He helped
you’ve squandered your time and need God’s notes in your head and your hands. me in graduate school. He helped me last
help to do the hard work that Proverbs 14:23
week with MainStage. Let him help you. I know
describes? What’s your greatest challenge as a Do you consider yourself a good team player? He can and will. Now let’s have a look at your
keyboard player? Does technology overwhelm Throughout the songs you’re playing are you schedule for the day…
you or frustrate you? I can relate to that feeling. asking yourself whether what you’re playing is
April 2019
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