Taylor’s own Expression System 2. There is no it to be. You can strum until your hearts content to look at. Just another reason why this new
pickguard on this guitar. I like the aesthetic look and it is punchy – not compressed. 517e has a lot to offer.
When it comes to fingerstyle playing, being a Taylor’s high standard of build quality rings true
Spruce top, you don’t get quite the articulation in this innovative new guitar. Well done!
with no pickguard (just don’t play it with metal
guitar picks).
The matte finish feels smooth to the touch and that a Cedar top would afford you, but that this review guitar came with the Wild Honey just enforces the notion that this dreadnought The Builder’s Edition line consists of two
Burst color for the top and a blackwood stain is born to strum. Playing lead lines with a pick models… the 517 (mahogany back and sides)
is on the back, sides and neck. A really good- was a blast. and the 717 (rosewood back and sides). Both
looking guitar! It also comes in a natural Spruce
color too, if you prefer that look.
come with or without the ES2 pickup system
The edges of the guitar have a slight roundness and you have your choice of a Natural finish or
that feels very comfortable. It isn’t a bevel like the Wild Honey Burst finish.
THE PLAYING: you have seen in some guitars, but it doesn’t
With the combination of the round shoulder, feel like a hard edge like most either.
the Sitka Spruce top and the V-Class bracing,
you get a lot of sustain. I was impressed. I also like the battery compartment next to
Playing with a pick this guitar is punchy, not the strap bottom on the bottom bout. Easily
compressed. I love the bigger bass sounds. On accessible. The hardshell case that comes with
this 517e, it can get plenty loud when you want this guitar is called Western Floral and is striking
April 2019
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Wild Honey finish (reviewed)
$2,999.00 Street
Natural finish
$2,899.00 Street