That’s all that we can hope. I don’t feel like it that other side of the coin where maybe they when it came to music, I was still doing my Pop
would be my job to tell someone who is taking captured the moment on their phones, and Punk music. He really saw it as an opportunity
a photo or something what to do, if they love then that’s great as well. to help me out and he introduced me to music
what we’re doing, that would feel weird in the
that was really going to help me on the journey
position that we’re in. Again, we’re just enjoying [WM] I first met Michael Guy Chislett in the of writing. If you don’t know, he’s my brother in
the ride and enjoying the journey, but it’s parking lot there at Hillsong and we’ve stayed law, so he’s kind of always been there. He’s just
trusting that in whatever we do… we’re going in touch over the years. He’s always been an got this work ethic like no one I’ve ever met.
to connect someone with God every night. amazing guitar player, and watching him grow He used to work at this nursery, like this potted
as a producer has been equally amazing. A plant nursery. And I don’t even know why he
[JD] As Matty was saying, if God can use great producer finds a way to integrate their was in that job. But he would always explain
that for someone to play over and over and past experience with the musicians in the room, it to me like this, “These guys have been good
symbolize a moment where they connect with to reveal something that has yet to be heard, to me, they’ve looked after me, so I’m glorified
God, or a specific song lyric that’s encouraged tasted, and felt. What are some of the specific by God in my job”. He would literally say these
them, then that is great. We’ve just got to leave things that Michael brings into the room and things, and he’s putting these tiny little plants
it up to God and hopefully that’s the heart hears in the moment with you? into pots all day. I think that’s just something
behind it. Sometimes you feel like you want
that God set him up with in everything else
people to not miss the moment, but there’s [Matt] He’s a guy who took me under his wing he’s done in life. He’s just worked and worked
Hillsong UNITED // “None but Jesus” Hillsong UNITED // “From the Inside Out” Hillsong UNITED // “Hosanna”
April 2019
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