Roland JD-XA
The Roland JD-XA 49 key analog/digital
crossover synth is destined to be a classic.
It’s got the best of both worlds. A true
analog synth with analog filters, combined
with Roland’s amazing digital engine with a
great selection of effects. The top is divided
into user-friendly logical sections making
it easy to navigate. There’s a bright LCD
Behringer Deep Mind 12
Lastly in our roundup is the Behringer Deep
Mind. It’s a 49 key 12 voice analog polysynth.
On top are Pitch & Mod Wheels and a good-
sized LCD screen for navigation. The layout
is logical & they have opted to use sliders
almost exclusively. These make it really
display with a multi-directional joystick and
2 assignable pitch wheels. A combination of
sliders and knobs make real time changes
easy. Also on board is a 16 -track pattern
sequencer, with 16 corresponding buttons
as well as a mic controlled mod source
with vocoder and CV input. Downloadable
Integra-7 sound libraries from Roland's
Axial sound portal always keep you up to date. Lastly, the backlit orange vibe looks
fantastic on stage. Again, for a modern
worship team the JD-XA is a killer option,
and you’ll get a lot of really great fresh
sounds and tons of vibe.
easy to see with a glance what’s going on.
There’s a 32-step areggiator with gates and
1,024 patch memory locations. Deep Mind
also has built in Wi-Fi to use with tablet
apps. In another smart move, inside are
four effect engines with algorithms from
TC Electronic, Midas and Klark Teknik. Behringer is aggressively positioning
themselves as a major player in the synth
world. Deep Mind is another great choice
for a modern worship team. It’s got great
sounds and is very affordable.
Buy at Sweetwater
Buy at Sweetwater
WRAPPING UP: They might have some good input. It’s also a Sometimes players can become complacent
There are no rules for what works best for you great thing to have one person in charge of about caring for the church’s gear (and that is
or your team. Consider your budget and needs, church equipment. Stuff gets lost all the time, not the best practice). We hope this keyboard
then go and try as many of these you can at and it si good to work to develop a culture round up will help your team play and sound
your local store or check YouTube. Every one of of respect for the Lord’s equipment! Find the “better by Sunday”.
these options is going to be good. balance between letting people borrow gear
Talk to the person who is going to be using and keeping an eye on protecting your
the keyboard before you buy for your team. backline gear.
April 2018
Michael Hodge
Record Producer, Writer, Studio musician,
Staff Guitarist at Lakewood Church Houston TX.
Owner of Gman Productions film music