Who does not have any worries? Those who have truly
renounced the world will be free from worries. All others will
worry. Why do worries occur? What is the result of worries?
How does one become free from worries? The exact
understanding and answers are provided in this booklet in the
form of satsang with Gnani Purush Dadashri.
Worry is live fire. It burns constantly. It takes away all
peace and sleep. It invites disease and depression. It takes
away your zest for living and charges karma that results in lower
forms of life. Therefore, it spoils your current and future lives.
Worrying is pure egoism. The one who suffers from
worries has no understanding of the science behind all acts and
events. He goes about thinking that he is the doer of all acts in
his life and because of this ego of doer ship, he sets himself up
for suffering in the form of worries when events do not occur
according to his plans.
Work gets spoiled with worries. This is a law of nature.
Freedom from worries improves work. Important and well to
do people suffer from higher levels of stress and worries.
Comparatively, labourers do not worry and they sleep well,
while their bosses have to take sleeping pills. Those who worry
lose their wealth. Worries bind karma of obstruction. Such karma
prevent the fulfilment of your desires in future life.
What is the definition of worry? Thoughts are not a
problem. When you get emotionally embroiled in thoughts, worries
start. When this happens, stop.
All events in this universe are under the control of scientific
circumstantial evidences. There is no independent doer. Lack of
this knowledge creates worries. When will worries leave
permanently? When the sense of doer ship ceases. When will
the sense of doer ship leave? When Self-realization is attained.
- Dr. Niruben Amin