14 . Community
Four online resources to help you find local worm farmers to buy worms and vermicompost or get your own kitchen waste composted by others .
15 . Did you know ?
Vermicomposting around the world . You will find here a list of interesting articles posted on the Internet about worm farming and related subjects .
17 . Scientific papers : vermicompost & compost tea
It is always interesting to know what science has discovered about vermicomposting and related subjects . Does Science agree with popular beliefs when it comes to worm farming ? Here are few papers found online .
18 . Le Compostier ’ s Worm Hotel
Rowin Snijder has designed and built over 12 Worm Hotels in Europe . His community worm composting system is customised to the needs of each city .
23 . How to use worm compost
Your compost is ready to be harvested ? Here are some ways to use it in the garden .
25 . Me & my worm bin
People from various social networks have contributed to this magazine with a photo of their favourite worm bin .
27 . My Story
Home worm farmers ( pros and hobbyists ) tell us their story , how they got into vermicomposting and why they are still doing it . One of them has even successfully launched a business selling worms .