Worldwide 5G Infrastructure Market: Emerging Trends and New Technolog Digital Genome Market | Page 3

Speed and accuracy of human genome sequencing should revolutionize personalized healthcare by enabling individual to determine unique genome sequence. The collection and storage of such quality metrics data will drive digital genome market size over the forecast period. Reduced cost and high speed for DNA sequencing are forecast to drive growth. Globally the market for Digital Genome is increasing rapidly. The Global Digital Genome Market Survey starts with Industry overview of Global Digital Genome Market covering Major Regions Status, Industry Chain Structure, Definitions and Specifications, with a detailed focus on Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis including Raw Material Suppliers, Equipment Suppliers and Manufacturing Process. In Next Part, the researchers has collected and presented information on Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis which comprises of Capacity and Commercial Production Date, Manufacturing Plants Distribution, R&D Status and Technology Source of Major Manufacturers in 2017.