Worldkustom 2015 September ENGLISH | Page 30

Blue Huey

By Lars-Åke Krantz

The 2500$ Fender guitar flew into the forest in 70 mph while the bus kept rolling. Standing devastated on Docksta bar I thought of BB King and his Lucille. King lost his beloved Gibson guitar during a tour in Sweden. BB got his baby back but it had just been carefully stolen. My B-bender had been sent into the woods in highway speed.

For the ones of you who remember ”Hole in the space shuttle” …It’s happened again.

The loading hatch on the Krantz bus flew loose and left a nine square feet hole in the side. We call the buss Blue Huey now. You know the old American choppers with open sides, tricky for enemies to take down and that brought soldiers home.

We are sitting in the bus, remembering when the hot sausage pan eased from the stove in the Finnish night and boiling water splashed all over Gottfrid’s foot so he had to be hospitalized in Jakobstad. How the door window fell out in Västerbotten and drove another 200 miles, windowless. When the stick shift fell off in Haparanda, the exhaust disappeared in Norrköping and when Alfred relieved himself in the bushes outside a preschool in Östergötland while the kids alarmed the teachers. The adult