Worldkustom 2015 September ENGLISH | Page 17

The First Car

Anders Hjelm from Lindesberg wrote colorfully about his driver’s license. He let us sense a continuation. Here it is! Part two: The first car.

After that license was completed and was safely in one of the compartments in the wallet I was, for a few exceptions, sober for a year. I was the obvious driver for the area’s young people who wanted to go out and party. There were thousands of laps around town, and many trips to amusement parks and party places with me behind the wheel instead of any back seat. Anyone who has been designated drinking driver know what a hassle it can be but I was in a bubble and did not listen to drunk’s talking, but just cruised, quite often without stopping, despite loud protests from pee needing passengers. Meanwhile, I saved every single coin I could dispense with the aim of acquiring my own car. The occasion appeared eleven months after the coffee and cigarettes in the sports hall. (Part 1) A friend would sell his car and wondered if it was something for me. I was excited, of course. I had been riding in these nice wheels a few years earlier when picked up around the neighboring town of Arboga by the owner Krister Sjöström. The car was then painted white, was no floor mat and had straight pipes.

Then it was painted black and ended up at Esa Kopakkala in Lindesberg and it picked up well then, now with floor mat and silencers. Esa was ready to trade up and I took my savings, borrowed even more, bargained a bit on the price and got my first car.

The first car.. taste the words and try to remember your own first car. I still remember sounds, smells, passengers, wherever I went, and what was heard in the cassette stereo. I get flashbacks when I hear certain songs that are deeply connected with my first car. In my case it was the first car a four-door Dodge Coronet 500 of the 1966 model. It was purchased in March 7, 1988 for the reasonable price of 2200 dollars. It had been sold new in Sweden, had a dozen previous owners and a V8 with 318 cubic inches and a 727 Torqueflite automatic.