Worldkustom 2015 May English | Page 55

Dough emerges from the smoke and has another go at it!

“Asking a Man to do a burnout’s no question, that’s a damn challenge!” Says Dough, with a grin on his face.

“Hey why did Sweden become so liberal under the war?

You drove Nazi goods on your railroads and allowed the Russians to slaughter your Finnish neighbors. That was pretty liberal. Then Sweden signed a peace treaty, and now you guys play nice guy in every world conflict.”

“-Hey Dough, well I have a question for you. Why do you have 3 62 Vettes?”

“Because there’s 4 in the package”- Says Dough, as we continue.

“I mean honestly why do you have so many cars?”-Krantz

“I’m at work, I ask the questions, I’m the journalist, and I’m no Swedish historic Herman Lindqvist”

“I’ve sold Arms my entire life, in war zones to foreign generals that’s been my life.

I’ve seen all the big Capitals of Europe but my big break was through Miami Vice. Miami Vice asked me to make real guns to dummies that shot blanks. They were just the gateway into the film industry and I’ve been doing that ever since.”