Fast Lane to USA
Swedes are getting fast tracked to the fast lane into USA. Arlanda is one of nine airports in Europe chosen to simplify travelling to USA. A welcomed surprise.
It’s not in use just yet, but within two years it becomes reality. This means that the long, low-flow, dragging passport control when you arrive in USA after at least twelve hours of travel will be over. As you arrive the only thing to do is to pick up your bags. The United States passport control will be moved to Arlanda.
Yup. You will show passport and ESTA at Arlanda and then you’re done. I travel to USA every year and say: Wonderful.
This one time I pointed this out in Newark with the wait, passport control, finger prints, headshot and interview was a tediously slow story from the Americans.
Then a control officer came up and fetched me to a room where I was placed
with other “suspects” for 20 minutes.
– Then a new officer came and said:
-Mr. Krantz okey to go this way.
20 minutes in the cage. A slap on
the wrist – nothing else.
– Now, The milky way.
As a reader of Worldkustom you can also surf the milky way.
– What now? Everything is already for free.
- Nah, nothing special.
If you print the Worldkustom logo below
and stick it to a bar of Milky Way, take a selfie and mail it to [email protected]
We will pull a winner out of the pile and send you a Worldkustom T-shirt. Don’t forget name, address and size.
- That’s about it,
Regards, Lars-Åke Krantz
WORLDKUSTOM LOCAL HEROES - WORLDWIDE is a webbmagazin that is published the first every month on both Swedish and English. Do you have any questions, ideas or just want to say hello?
email us -
We are working for worldkustom
Lars-Åke Krantz
Mats Carlsson
Ellen Kay
Emelie Carlsson
Gottfrid Krantz
Kent Åberg
Jan Silén
Sören Fjellstedt