05. Take Massive
04. Put yourself in
state of Absolute
Action is what will close the gap between where you are
right now and where you want to be. Action is the single
You have to produce results in your mind first. Envision
force that produces results. Most of us know what to do
yourself already successful, fit, healthy and happy.
but very few do what they know. Knowing is not enough.
You remember an example of Roger the runner?
Knowing and not taking actions is not any different form not
He produced results in his head first and body just
knowing at all. You have the power in this very moment to
followed. Same concept applies in business, fitness,
change or accept. You have the choice to take bold decision
health, and relationships. In state of absolute certain-
or to hang on to what you’ve got.
ty, and only of absolute certainty you will be able to
All the power is within you, my friend. Your next decision may
take massive actions.
change your life forever. Your whole destiny is determined by
your decisions. Choose to change right now! Choose health,
happiness, and success! Don’t let your life run by default,
choose to become a pilot of your journey! Whatever your
goal is, say it out loud, “I choose to be fit. I choose to run. I
choose happiness. I choose success. I CHOOSE TO DO IT NOW!”
I want you to remember right now what was the toughest time in
your life that you made it through? Remember it vividly. Remember
details, remember the way you felt, your emotions, and feelings.
Now think about what pulled you through? What did you decide
back then to break through that crisis? Did you decide, “No more!
This is absolutely unacceptable in my life! I must change that
now!” Remember that infinite power you tapped in that pulled
you through. This power is available to you all the time. You do
not need to go through crisis to take your life to a next level. Now
remember what was your life before the crisis? You may think first
it was good, but if you dig dipper, you know it was a mediocre life.
You know it was a wake up call. What did you do to turn things
around? What actions did you take? And last but not least, how is
your life better today?
Act as if failure is impossible, and your success will be definite. Get
rid of every thought of not accomplishing your goals, whether they
are health, your body image, wealth, success, love and relationship
or spiritual. Be bold, and set no limits on the dreams of your imagination. Never be a prisoner of your past. Become the designer of
your future. Your life will never be the same.
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