#WORLDCLASS Leader | Page 12

works and how to use it positively in communicating personal needs and discovering solutions. Clients often did not know what they specifically wanted. Instead of telling her outright what their needs were, clients often asked her what she could provide. However, it is entirely possible to go incrementally from a state of confusion and stagnation to complete success. Rebeka follows and recommends certain formulas for getting out of several kinds of negative states. She explained that, “We have to change our being by understanding each piece of information and using it to take the next steps. Separating oneself from anxiety, negative beliefs, and negative emotions will facilitate this growth.” Ms. Shadpour further explained that finding a balance of where and how to release money and give it away will garner success in finding employment, creating opportunity, saving money, and investing it wisely to create the largest and fastest profit. Rebeka strives to create a win-win financial situation for everyone she assists. Oftentimes, she found that people either hold onto their money too tightly or swung the other direction and overspend. It is something also seen frequently in business. Additionally, Rebeka observed that parents who always spend money freely on their children but do not teach them how to use money, often creating a trap. This cycle then leads to what she calls an entitlement to money that may evolve into criminal activity. Without finding that balance between saving, investing, and spending, disaster awaits. On the other hand, some people never learned how to give and take, finding themselves quickly fooled interesting four years. With the belief she had, Rebeka reversed by predatory individuals and businesses. Another formula Rebeka foreclosures for her clients and helped them to regain hope. The firmly believes in is in finding the roots of a problem, creating the meltdown touched everyone, regardless of income or social status ability to distinguish possible outcomes before disaster strikes. She of her clientele. Ms. Shadpour worked with celebrities and multi-mil- explains that people have difficulty confronting problems. People lionaires and the commonality was that they were struggling with have one thing in common: fear. The way we deal with that fear the financial crisis, just like everyone else in the country. She had is what sets us apart from everyone else. her difficulties but was able to rise above and continued to increase her fame in the community. As a personal coach, Ms. Shadpour explains that you can bring more hope and value to people when you separate yourself The next question that occurred to Rebeka was how she could from fear. Confronting that problem head-on is what she has further help her community. Rebeka’s bread and butter these days used with her clients to bring them out of anxiety and misery come from investments, buying, selling, rehab properties, and very quickly. People often have a negative association with her expertise in luxury properties. She has also found fulfillment the word ‘problem.’ The definition of a problem is that it is in earning her clients’ trust not only in finances, but also in their something unknown to a person. Once you take away that fear personal lives and the difficulties found within their family dynamic. and negative connotation, what is left is simply the unknown. Oftentimes, her clients were dealing with divorce and debt. Rebeka Making that separation is what paves the way toward finding strives to provide emotional support by learning how the mind a solution to the problem. 1 2 W O R L D C L A S S M AG A Z I N E S . C O M | JA N UA RY 2 0 1 5