w o r d
t o
t h e
w i s e
Enthusiasm is
The more interesting you are, the more desirable and wanted you
become. Some people instantly make us feel important. Some
people instantly make us feel special. Some people light up a room
just by walking in. We can’t always define it, but some people tend
to draw attention all the time without even trying. If you want to
become successful, you need to be that person.
First of, to be interesting and spark attention you need to have
something going on for you in life. You need to have passion and
be excited and enthusiastic about it. Enthusiasm is contagious!
While working on a project related to relationship between men
and women, I have noticed that the most gorgeous girls would
not have a second date if they had nothing going on for them.
They appealed simply boring. And on the other had, not so attractive girls that were passionate and had a zest for life were most
wanted by men. Same rule applies in success. Insert your passion
into everything. Embed your passion into the pavement of your
daily encounters. You will engage, excite and inspire people because
that’s what passion does. Embed your passion into the pavement
that leads the way.
“Get into the habit
of telling people
what you love or
appreciate about
Limited references
create a limited life...
Expand your references. In the book Awaken the Giant within,
Tony Robbins said, “Limited references create a limited life. If
you want to expand your life, you must expand your references by pursuing ideas and experiences that wouldn’t be a part
of your life if you didn’t consciously seek them out.”
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