World Youth Day 2019 USA Leader Guides Stateside Leader Guide | Page 35

The primary question when designing your marketing materials is “ What is the key draw for your target audience ?” Some traditional answers would be : following the activities of the pope ; seeing a favorite speaker / musician ; experiencing Catholicism from a different culture ; feeling a part of a large-Church experience ; meeting new people ; going to Mass with peers ; being in solidarity with young people around the world , including youth and / or young adults from your parish , campus , diocese , eparchy , or country . Utilize the answer to this question in the choices you make regarding the language and images you use to promote the event – and consider how you would answer this question above and beyond the traditional responses . This may be something for your core team to wrestle with early in the planning process .
When marketing the stateside gathering , explore communication structures that exist already in your parish , region , or diocese / eparchy such as newspapers , websites , bulletins , Facebook , Twitter , and Instagram . Ask yourself , “ How can we ensure there is a presence on every local Catholic platform ( bulletin , website , social media , newspaper , particular group email lists , pulpit announcements )?” What resources can you create to distribute to local parishes ( event postcards , flyers , etc .)? Try to make it easy for
34 the parish secretary or others who coordinate church communications .
Think big . Utilize an event like this to help lay the foundation for ministry growth in your parish , campus , diocese , or community .
Determine your big- picture spiritual and ministerial goals and allow World Youth Day to be a catalyst . For example , if you want small group ministry to take off , use the small groups during your stateside WYD celebration and plan a post-event small group series or other similar gatherings .
In all that you do for marketing and promotion , make sure it is high quality , wellpresented , and clear / understandable to your audiences . Consider what images and words would be useful in promoting the event . Also consider what venues are best for marketing the stateside gathering with young people in your local community . If your target audience includes non-active Catholics , consider where they gather and receive information , which may be different than how more active young people get informed about upcoming events .
You may want to ask a young person ( or a team of young people ) to be your lead on the marketing . Is there someone in your local