World Youth Day 2019 USA Leader Guides International Leader Guide | Page 9

The Jewish people held three annual one body we have many parts, and all the parts pilgrimages or feasts: “Three times a year, then, do not have the same function, so we, though all your males shall appear before the LORD, many, are one body in Christ, and individually your God, in the place which he will choose: at parts of one another” (Rom 12:4-5). Thus, the the feast of Unleavened Bread, at the feast of Christian pilgrimage (like the World Youth Day Weeks, and at the feast of Booths.” (Dt 16:16). journey) is an expression of being the Church. Although the men alone were instructed to go Pilgrims go on this pilgrimage not only for up to the place the Lord commanded, the themselves. The Christian pilgrimage is to pilgrimage was undertaken for the entire heaven to join the communion of saints united community – women and children included. with the Triune God. Certainly, practical considerations played a role. In the Church, pilgrimage and community are The Jews in Galilee would have a much harder inseparable. Not only is the community the time going to the feast or pilgrimage than those starting point on the pilgrim’s journey, but it in Judea. It would be difficult to leave behind serves as a reason to go. Those who cannot go homes and cattle, both unprotected and are drawn into it because they are part of the unwatched. Because of the strong emphasis on community of the Church. They are invited communal identity of the Jewish people, when into a solidarity that is meaningful—because the the men left on pilgrimage, everyone was Church gathers in Panama, they do too. The deeply aware that it was for everyone. Every stateside gatherings, viewing parties, parish Jew participated in the feast through the men prayer services, school events, digital who went up to Jerusalem. pilgrimages, etc. are ways that Catholics in the United States can experience WYD without The Catholic Church, too, has a communal getting on a plane. The journey is for all. identity as a community of missionary disciples; Understanding the young people on this a pilgrim people. “Through Baptism, we are journey – and the community from which they freed from sin and reborn as sons of God; we come (and to where they will be going next) – is become members of Christ, are incorporated key to better appreciating the people that God into the Church and made sharers in her has put into your care. mission” (CCC 1213). St. Paul says: “For as in 8