World Youth Day 2019 USA Leader Guides International Leader Guide | Page 6

scope of the WYD event, and how – as leaders towards missionary discipleship – that is, being – an important part of your role is logistical. both a follower of Christ (a “disciple”) and sent by him into the world (a “missionary”). Finally, the fourth section of the Leaders Guide will explore ways that you can assist pilgrims The Leaders Guide, then, is not just a manual for after World Youth Day. Often, the follow-up to best practices in international travel, but a guide a big event like WYD is overlooked, but it is for forming missionary disciples from among important to harness the energy and enthusiasm those who embark on the WYD pilgrimage. that an event like this generates for the good of the Church and society. Reunions and faith- You have an important role as a WYD leader. sharing immediately following the trip is You and others who have accepted this helpful, but this guidebook will go a little challenge follow in the footsteps of great deeper. It is meant to help you to encourage Catholic leaders before you. You join the father your pilgrims to pray, reflect, and discern in the and patron of this event, St. John Paul II, who time after WYD. It is also meant to assist you as a priest and bishop in Communist-controlled in preparing your parish, diocese/eparchy, Kraków, accompanied youth and young adults and/or community, including the friends and on their journeys of faith. His example reminds families of pilgrims, to welcome back the us that this role – the role of a leader who international travelers. Within this section, there accompanies and journeys with others on the are some suggestions on how to connect road of discipleship – can be equally demanding international participants with stateside and and rewarding. Leaders have a unique digital pilgrims who celebrated the events of opportunity to invite World Youth Day WYD in the United States. Most importantly, pilgrims to follow Christ and to nurture that there are some ideas on helping your pilgrims encounter so that they can take on the task of take concrete and attainable action steps transforming the world. 5