World Youth Day 2019 USA Leader Guides International Leader Guide | Page 58

lead us to a better, fairer, less cruel and holiness as conveyed by Saint John Paul II: more humane world.” “The universal call to holiness is closely united with the call to mission” (no. 90). Mary’s “Fiat” (or “Yes”), then, is the blueprint for Christian life, encouraging all pilgrims and Assisting Pilgrims Through This Call all people to embrace God’s will for their lives Pilgrims come to WYD for a variety of reasons, and set out to bring Jesus into their world. but very few come looking for more work to do! Yet pilgrims’ transformation into After the Transfiguration, a large crowd was missionary disciples is exactly what the Holy waiting for Jesus as soon as he came down Father and the Church are hoping for from from the mountain (Lk 9:37). After seeing the WYD. glorious vision of the divinity of Christ, the apostles were immediately confronted with How can pilgrimage leaderss encourage their suffering humanity. Jesus is asked to heal a pilgrims to become missionaries? How can they man’s son who is seized by a demon. bring excitement to their departure when nostalgia and memory tend to be the first As soon as they return home, perhaps even on considerations in the days after Panamá? the way, pilgrims will be given a chance to meet suffering humanity and bring Christ to it. Another step is to actively and intentionally When they do this, pilgrims become true talk about their future mission in the last days missionary disciples. WYD “alumni” are sent of the pilgrims’ time in Panamá. Help them to into their own homes, backyards, schools and process and understand that the best way to workplaces, to bring love, mercy, and the revisit their mountaintop experiences is to share compassion of Christ to all. the graces they received with others. “Every Christian is a missionary to the extent Many pilgrims come back eager to share their that he or she has encountered the love of God story. Storytelling is a key part of the initial days in Christ Jesus: we no longer say that we are back home, and it should be done in a way that ‘disciples’ and ‘missionaries,’ but rather that we invites others to share in the fruits of the are always ‘missionary disciples’”(EG, no. 120). journey. Even though people may want to hear The call to missionary discipleship is the call to 57