World Youth Day 2019 USA Leader Guides International Leader Guide | Page 22

and people’s experience of the Church is often someone new, but to learn from them and walk limited to their local parish, campus, or alongside them. diocese/eparchy. They may not have ever thought about the fact that fellow Catholics, Perhaps one of the most celebrated and visible who attend the same Mass, speak hundreds of aspects of WYD is the chance for young people languages and come from every background to encounter the pope. The affection for the and culture. The international nature of WYD pontiff among pilgrims should be fostered so allows pilgrims to experience this universality in that it is not limited to his international a unique way. At WYD, participants experience “celebrity” status. Pilgrims should be helped to how the Mass, devotions, and service unite understand that the Holy Father is the vicar of people from every corner of the globe. Christ on earth. He is the successor of Peter; the visible sign of the unity of the Church. The importance of understanding that the community of Christ is a worldwide fellowship, When St. John Paul II inaugurated WYD, he encompassing all cultures and ways of life, wanted to spend time with and encounter cannot be under-estimated. One of the young people himself. In John Paul II’s outcomes is a better appreciation and memoir, Crossing the Threshold of Hope (1994), he acceptance of cultural expression through wrote: “Even though he is getting older, the liturgy, prayer, and spirituality – so that these young people urge the Pope to be young. They experiences will resonate within and impact the do not permit him to forget his experience, his pilgrim’s own community of faith. discovery of youth, and its great importance for the life of every man.” 28 World Youth Day is as Encourage your pilgrims to meet other pilgrims much a blessing to the pope as to the young from around the world – and to listen, smile, men and women who make the journey. serve, and humbly share their experiences and During the WYD events, the pope speaks to love of the faith. Help them to understand the pilgrims about how the Gospel applies to them. meaning of encounter – to not only meet He reflects on the paschal mystery during the 28 Pope John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope. Ed. Vittorio Messori. Trans. Jenny McPhee and Martha McPhee. (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., 1994), 125. 21