I abide not by labels. I stray not from mine code, and the opinion of any shall not deter my path. I shall not be consumed by being a “good guy” or a “bad guy,” only a man defined by his actions.

5. At rebirth a lot will be on the line are you concerned who your opponent will be?

The word “concern” would imply worry. To worry would be to fear. And to fear would be to already admit defeat. I do not get “concerned,” I ready myself instead with preparation. Be that as it may, I can avow, that no matter who I am paired against, regardless the strength of my enemy, I SHALL NOT COWER! If there is to be concern, let it be for the entirety of the roster! For they shall soon know my presence, they shall soon know my POWER!

6. Okay now that you're here in WWO do you have any plans to go after any WWO titles in the future?

If it is so destined, than it shall come to pass. My goal is the glory of victory, and assurance may be given it being my quest, I shall not fail!