
IMDB VitoLoGrasso

Facebook-Vito J Lo Grasso

1. Who trained you? and who has influence you the most in Pro Wrestling? The person who trained me was WWF Hall of Famer Johhny Rodz. He runs his school out of World Famous Gleason's gym in Brooklyn NY. I will say one thing . I took all of what I was taught from day 1 in the school and used it in me becoming who I am today in wrestling. The 1 on 1 sessions where I worked with Johnny were the best ones. I frustrated that man because he always put me in holds and most would tap. I kept fighting to get out. No Joke. Made me strong in the sense that when i finally learned how to wrestle and get out of it with experience, my pain threes hold was at a high.

2. How Many Years have you been a Pro Wrestler? I have been a pro for 23 years

3. What titles have you held over the years? I have held many tittles , but the one that made me was the nite I beat terry funk on nitro for the WCW Hardcore Title. That nite was like a coming out party for me. I beat the man. i gave him all I had. He is one of the tuffest men in wrestling. A legend. I did it on the grand stage. Afterwards, he handed me the belt in the middle of the ring. To most in the wrestling Buss. it's a sign that YOU BELONG VITO. my most prestigious nite. That nite all of WCW was in the bar and Mean Gene Okerland raised his glass and said to all. I mean ALL the boys. Congratulations Vito, Tonite is your coming out party. I will never forget it. if I am in a position to ever do the same, i would do it

4. Who has been your toughest opponent ? Or is there 2? My toughest opponent is not a fair question. I started in the WWF as a rookie, no easy task. I have traveled the world. Been Everywhere. All the Bigs. WWF,ECW,WCW,TNA,WWE. Plus all the International places and Europe. All my matches were tough. I had to deal with different styles, Different languages, but the one thing is , you have to learn your craft. To everyone who I ever wrestled, thank you for giving me your best and making me one of the best.