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World Wide Christians
Alpha and the Omega
Joshua Miles Tuscumbia , Alabama joshuarmiles1976 @ gmail . com
In the scope of current society it is hard not to be drawn into the fear of the unknown , the insecurity of a world system that is waxing worse and worse . For me it is important to know that Jesus is in control of everything ! I ’ m not claiming that Jesus allows evil to happen , for that is a whole other discussion and one that would take much time to discuss properly . But think about this for a second , and remember these words and its ( promising , declarative ) statements which are directly from Christ , and of His Revelation .
““ I am the Alpha and the Omega ,” says the Lord God , “ who is and who was and who is to come , the Almighty .” ( Revelation 1:8 )
The beginning and the end ! When Christ died on that cross for mankind , He was humble , and out of love allowed His creation to do despicable things that in order we might have the opportunity to be re-united with both He and the Father . Yet make no mistake . In the Revelation , we do not see Christ in humble , meek lowliness . We see Him as the Almighty ! He who has some cleaning up to do , and the beginning is finished but not the end !
What I really love about Revelation 1:8 is the Greek . When John penned ( under the Spirit ) the Alpha and the Omega , he used the full written version of Alpha , being Ἄλφα . And this because the beginning was fulfilled ! Yet the Greek he chose ( or rather the triune Godhead chose ) for Omega was the symbol ! It is Ὦ !
The end is not finished . Christ will be coming back , not on a donkey or as a humble servant , but as the Creator of All , and on a war horse , the Almighty !
So when I get sad , or frustrated with the world I look up and realize that from Alpha to the Omega it ’ s already written . Jesus wrote it all ! And with hope I let my light shine until we go home , knowing that the Beginning and the End , He who is , who was , and who is to come is under complete control .