World Wide Christians Magazine June 22 2013 | Page 11

Volume 1 , Issue 4 Page 11

Sharing the LOVE of God

Have you ever read 1 John 1:1-4 ? This is the love of God in a Christian ’ s heart towards the lost ! When I read it , I read it aloud because the Lord has enabled me to see and hear the enthusiasm in their voices and it helps me to feel it , and to catch it in my heart too ! I share about the Father all the time and this is what I want to recapture , this is what I want to convey to others . I share about sin a lot and the need to repent , but I also want people to see what they are being saved into .
I can picture them gathered around together with a few other believers and talking to a few unbelievers . In verse one John is excitedly saying that Jesus is from the beginning of time , that He is God , that He ’ s always been around and that he ( John ) has seen Him with his own eyes and touched Him with his own hands , and that He is Life ! He continues by looking these unbelievers in the eyes and saying with a glad heart that the Life which is in God has been made into a man , and that he has actually seen Him !
Ken Reynolds Birmingham , Alabama ken _ reynolds @ live . com
The apostle is testifying , “ Look guys ; you ’ ve heard about God , right ? You believe in God , right ? Well , I ’ m telling you and you gotta believe me , I ’ ve seen Him ! Yeah , I know how it sounds , but I ’ ve seen Him , touched Him , walked with Him , listened to Him and learned from Him ! God the Father has made Himself manifest to us ! Not only that , but we ’ re telling you all of this so that YOU , TOO can share in this fellowship that we have with Him !!! Isn ’ t this wonderful ? Yes , we have fellowship with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ ! I know it seems too awesome to believe , but it ’ s true ! And the reason we ’ re excited and telling you about this is so you too can join in on this ! And we want our joy to be full and complete . If we keep what we have to ourselves , it ’ s just not right and we want it to be full . And that ’ s gotta include you !”
“ but we ’ re telling you all of this so that YOU , TOO can share in this fellowship that we have with Him !!!”
Are you catching the excitement in these words ? Can you imagine being there ? I hope so . If you ’ re not a believer , get in on this . It ’ s life-changing and life-saving ! If you are a believer , ask God to kindle in you this fervor so that you can be a laborer in the harvest- an answer to Jesus ’ prayer . God Bless you-- Ken