World Wide Christians Magazine June 15 2013 | Page 5

W o r l d W i d e C h r i s t i a n s N e w s l e t t e r
Page 5
G r a c e H a s F o u n d M e : J u s t a s I A m
Grace has Found me : Just as I am I found my identity in Christ . Before Him – Nothing – No-one – Lost – Confused – Hopeless . Life evolved . Changes came . I found my identity in my family . Husband – Children – Satisfied – Busy – Fulfilled . Changes came , as life evolved . I found my identity in my job . Helping people – Busy work – Challenging endeavors – Successful – Pleased . Inequalities came . Disappointments followed . I found my identity in trying to rise above the injustices . Rise above the anger and hurt – Rise above the disappointment – Finding myself unemployed – Seemingly unemployable . Disappointments followed the Inequalities that came . I found my identity in my losses . In rejections and perceived failures – Frustration – Insecurities – Self-doubt and despair .
Revelation enlightened . Grace abounded . I found my identity in knowing that I am a child of the King . Loved – Valued – Cherished – Never forgotten – Never forsaken . Grace abounded as Revelation enlightened . I found my identity in Christ . The same – Yesterday – Today – And Forever . And as I lean in close to Him – I see that nothing has ever changed . Psalms 116:1-7 KJV Paraphrased I love the Lord , because he has heard my voice and my supplications . Because he has inclined his ear unto me , therefore will I call upon him as long as I live . The sorrows of death compassed me , and the pains of hell got a hold of me : I found trouble and sorrow . Then called I upon the name of the Lord ; O Lord , I beseech you , deliver my soul . Gracious is the Lord , and righteous ; yea , our God is merciful . The Lord preserves the simple : I was brought low , and he helped
me . Return unto your rest , O my soul ; for the Lord has dealt bountifully with you . Joyful Noiz Ministries © 2013
Audrey Semprun Prescott , Arizona
Semprunfa @ cableone . net
S a v i n g S i n n e r s
Jesus to Christ . Sinners to saved . He was named Jesus Christ He was a Jew . He then became a Savior
In our lives we are all sinners . We hear about being saved . We dedicate our lost souls . We become saved . We are then Christians .
Sinners to Christ to Christians . Lost souls to sinners saved .
If you were to die right now , wouldn ' t you want to die with a saved soul and not a lost life ? Faith in Jesus Christ saves us from dying lost .
Shawn Moore Walkertown , North Carolina
Worldwidechristians @ yahoo . com