World T.E.A.M. Sports at 20 Years October 2013 | Page 2

WORLD T.E.A.M. SPORTS AT 20 YEARS Living the Dream THE BEGINNING OF WORLD T.E.A.M. SPORTS BY JAMES BENSON WORLD T.E.A.M. SPORTS CHAIRMAN AND FOUNDER I don’t think there’s a greater joy than to be on the receiving end of an unexpected positive situation or on the giving end. Have you ever heard the term “butterfly effect”? The butterfly effect is a scientific theory that goes back about 100 years or so. It was developed in France, and the idea was that if a butterfly flaps its wings in Madagascar, it will influence the weather eventually in Nova Scotia. Meaning that all actions and activity has an impact will change the world forever. And, the term for that is sensitive dependence upon initial conditions. This has actually been proven supposedly in science over the course of the last 100 years. I don’t know if it’s true in science, but I do believe it is true in human conditions. I think every action does have a ripple effect, and it does go out and change the world forever. If we had positive actions, positive things that we did would change the world forever. And perhaps, provide unexpected positive impacts. I’m not a butterfly, I haven’t really done anything that would indicate the starting of something, but when I was in high school, I had two experiences. One, in particular, was transformative as far as experiencing the butterfly effect and the unexpected positive. I was a freshman in high school in 1960 in the little town of McHenry, Illinois. It was a little smaller at that time than Rice Lake, and a little bit larger than Wayzata. It was a very small town outside of Chicago, and we had a high school sports banquet. We had a speaker come to that particular banquet. His name was Ara Parseghian. At the time, Ara Parseghian was not the world famous coach of Notre Dame. He was the athletic director and football coach at Northwestern.