World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 9 | Page 31
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 31
•I’m a Balance Druid, and this
clothes, ‘cause it’s going to be a
stress about it. As soon as
guide is suited more towards
scorcher! We’re starting off our
Shannox spawns, just ignore the
what I do as that class. We’re a
adventure into the past with…
rest of the trash in the instance.
Beth’tilac’s a very straightforward
pretty well rounded specialization
(spec), though, so it can act
as an all around guide.
fight that’ll be over very quickly.
Beth’tilac doesn’t really hold any
Once you run into the room she
•I do each boss without using
great power over me, despite my
inhabits and toss a spell her
cool downs, just to see how a
fascination with spiders. She was
way she’ll quickly climb up to
bosses’ difficulty scales with
a boss we only spent one solid
the top of her web. After a few
lower Damage Per Second (DPS).
night on, with no real difficulty
seconds Cinderweb Spinners will
to overcome, even at her best.
descend from above that should
With that said, here are the
Now she just hangs around, a
be quickly killed by Starfall. Once
talents I’ll be using in Firelands,
warning that arachnophobes
they’ve died a web will drop
unless otherwise noted when
won’t find a moments peace
down that, when clicked, will
I discuss individual bosses:
in World of Warcraft.
pull you up to face Beth’tilac.
•Feline Swiftness
As a quick aside: On your way
As soon as you’ve landed pop
•Ysera’s Gift
towards Beth’tilac’s Rise, be
your cooldowns and burn her
sure to kill any trash you come
down, taking special care to
•Incarnation: Chosen of Elune
across. A certain amount of
not stand in meteors, denoted
•Nature’s Vigil
trash needs to be killed before
by a glowing orange circle,
Shannox, a boss we’ll be killing
as they burn a hole into the
a little later, spawns. Between
web leading down to the room
I hope you remembered your
Beth’tilac and Rhyolith there’s
below, which only results in a
sunscreen and summer
plenty of trash to kill, so don’t
permanent stunning and eventual
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