World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 4 | Page 16
16 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine
The Goblins were once
enslaved by a race of jungle trolls
on their home island of Kezan,
but eventually broke free from
their bonds. Despite this fact,
the Goblins still joined the Horde
as they saw it has their most
profitable alliance. Under the
authority of Trade Prince Gallywix,
Goblins are innovative engineers
and alchemists who always
know how to turn the greatest
profit from their situations.
The Pandaren are a peaceful
race of panda-like humanoids.
Once enslaved by the monstrous
Mogu, the Pandaren perfected
a form of unarmed combat in
which to start their revolution
from. They are the only race
The Forsaken are a group of
The Blood Elves are what is left
in the game that can choose
which faction they want to join,
and typically do so at level 10.
cursed individuals, raised from
of the High Elves, the elves that
the dead by either the Lich King
followed Azshara in the overuse
or the Val’kyr to follow the orders
of the Well of Eternity. They
of the Banshee Queen Sylvanas.
created a second well of magic,
They were once Humans of the
known as the Sunwell, from a vial
Roles: Tank, Melee DPS
Kingdom of Lordaeron, but have
of liquid from the original Well
Death Knights, commonly
since returned to the world of the
of Eternity, around which they
called DKs, use undead
living to fight for their Dark Lady.
centered their society before it
monstrosities and diseases
became tainted by The Lich King.
along with their huge weapons,
The GameOn Magazine