World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 4 | Page 13
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 13
some of her greatest heroes, such
bards still sing of the tragic bond
back to the peaceful shamanic
as Khadgar and Turalyon, and the
between the Paladin Tyrion Fordring
practices of their ancestors.
orcs their entire home-world. After
and the Orc Eitrigg, or the beautiful
Where Blackhand embodied
Khadgar and his party gave their
Taretha and the noble Thrall.
the bloodlust and madness of
lives to destroy the portal from
At least, we name that most
the new orc, Thrall embodied
the Draenor side, the Warsong
famous of Orcs. Thrall was born
the rough nobility of the old.
clan found themselves stranded
on Azeroth to exiled Frostwolf
in Azeroth, living on the outskirts
parents, orphaned by the murderous
Thrall was instrumental in keeping
of human civilization. Although
schemes of Gul’dan. He was raised
the peace between the Alliance and
humble in origin, this clan would
by an infamous Alliance officer
the Horde after the Third War, but, as
change the history of two worlds
known as Aedelas Blackmoore, who
we shall see, was also instrumental
forever. The Warsong frequently
reared the Orc with the intention of
in destroying it. It is here that I feel I
raided the Orcish internment camps,
molding him into a great warchief
should rest my quill. Take a moment,
where they would attempt to rouse
under his power-hungry thumb.
reader, to reflect upon the years of
them into rebellion, only to find
Blackmoore would never live to
animosity which the relationship
them in an unnatural, sorcerous
the see just how successful he had
between Human and Orc is built
lethargy, an unforeseen side-effect
been in his efforts to make Thrall
upon. It will only serve to make the
of their reliance on fel magic.
a great leader. Thrall stands as the
developments of the next chapter in
Horde’s greatest reformer, turning
our tale even more astounding. ■
It is also during this time that we
find the first stirrings of friendship
the orcs away from their demonic
between humanity and orc-kind. The
slavery and unbridled savagery,
Along with Jaina Proudmoore,
By Luke Grimish
The GameOn Magazine