World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 2 | Page 27
World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 27
after you kill him. So, best to at least
3 minutes before she gets bored
get the achievement before you die.
and leaves, so you need to get to
Disarmed (Kologarn) - the
Thorim before then. If you make it
easiest way to complete this
there within 3 minutes, you then
achievement is do a minimal
have 2 more minutes to kill Thorium
amount of damage to the body, then
before the hard enrage begins.
bring both arms down at roughly
Knock, Knock, Knock on Wood
the same time. Once both arms
(Freya) - you must kill Freya while
are dead, burn that body down;
all three Elders are still alive. Again,
you must kill all 3 parts within 12
you will net a total of 3 achievements
seconds of each other with his
here, one for each Elder alive when
body dying last; precision is key.
Freya dies. You will have to throw
Crazy Cat Lady (Auriaya) -
out some burst to deal with her
single target this cat enthralled boss
ridiculously fast health regeneration;
down. All you have to do is never kill
use bloodlust or drums of rage
a kitty cat; not one, not even a little.
just to add more numbers. If you
I Could Say That This Cache
can’t pull off that burst, kill all of
Was Rare (Hodir) - look at the clock,
her adds as quickly as possible,
you now have 3 minutes. That is
hugging mushrooms as you go, until
all there is to this achievement;
her health regeneration turns off.
it is just a speed kill. If you
Firefighter (Mimiron) - that
break out the frozen NPC’s they
red button. You know you want
will help you kill him faster.
to press it, yes you do. Once hard
Lose Your Illusion (Thorim)
mode has been activated with the
- for this you need to have one
ever so taunting giant red button,
target (for this case, hunter and
pound through the phases of VOL-
warlock pets count as targets) stay
7R-ON and achievement earned.
in the main room while another
I Love the Smell of Saronite
opens the tunnel and clears it
in the Morning (General Vezax)
the whole way to Thorim. Once
- defeat the Saronite Animus
Thorim has been attacked while
before killing General Vezax. Stand
Sif is still active you will get the
there, afk a while, grab a drink;
achievement Siffed (a prerequisite
once 6 vapours have spawned
achievement to Lose your Illusion).
the Saronite Animus will appear.
She only remains in the arena for
The vapours appear every 30
The GameOn Magazine