World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 13 | Page 10

ARTICLE 10 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine are a great way to boost your skill to a whole new level. All of these items are from WoD and can be found from throwing Lunarfall Carp or Frostdeep Minnows into your garrison waters and killing the Cavedweller. 3. Know the area. Before you head out, memorize the locations of where the pools spawn. This way you aren’t flipping through your map, or in and out of guides trying to hunt down where to go. 4. Lastly, don’t forget to have track fish on! It’s best not to attempt this event until you can track fish. That way you can hover over a pool to make sure you are fishing from the correct pools before you land and start casting. So, where do you go for all this fun? In the water! Har har, okay seriously, pools of Tastyfish can spawn anywhere along the coastal lines in both Northern Stranglethorn and Stranglethorn Vale, with one exception; no pools will spawn in Booty Bay. Notable good locations are the the beginning area of the river that runs into Northern Stranglethorn and the The GameOn Magazine