World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 79

World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 79 I began playing WoW after watching my boyfriend become hooked on it for a few days, we’d only just gotten together as a couple so I viewed it as “It’d give us a stronger relationship as we could have something to play together” but oh boy, was I wrong! He quit WoW back in 2010 and I’m still going strong. Starting as a Undead Warlock with the vision of just randomly levelling and enjoying killing zombies in the starting area I was approached by a Mage who simply said “lol, why are you a lock when mages are pwn?”. This sparked me to return to the character screen and fall in love with a Tauren Druid; the one class I return to time and time again regardless of the alts I play alongside her. I’ve raided hardcore, PVP’d till I gained rank 4 and Role-Played a variety of characters; my achievement list is continuing to grow and my battle pets are slowly getting their levels up ready to take on the Celestial Tournament. With all of the memories, friends and experiences I’ve gained throughout my upcoming decade of WoW I can’t ever see myself quitting until the final server dies. Ten year anniversary? Roll on the twentieth! - FoxyStoat Well, I joined WoW after being caught up in the WC RTS games, I really liked the story in those so I felt the need to try out WoW. For continuing.. I want to get as good as I possibly can at my role