World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 78

COMMUNITY 78 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine YOUR WOW STORIES My husband’s brother got him involved with WoW, and my husband kept showing me stuff he was doing, and best of all was the horses (I had horses in real life). So, I started playing just to get a horse. My first character was a Mage, but as I was playing I saw Druids and being able to turn into cats and bears, and I thought how cool would that be to be able to turn into a bear. That was how I got started. I’m not a social person in real life, but I made a few friends and found a social community I could belong to. I have learned there is a lot more to the game than horses, but I still love being a bear. So here I am in my 50s, playing a game so I can be a bear and hang out with a few friends. - Missbessie By day, a veteran IT professional with over 30 years in the trenches - by night, a veteran Tauren Fury Warrior with over 5 years defending the walls of Orgrimmar. Started World of Warcraft back in the days of “vanilla” on my Tauren Warrior as Protection for tanking. I still have in my inventory the “Mallet of Zul’Farrak” from the first group I tanked with and my first 5-man dungeon. Today, World of Warcraft provides me with a creative outlet, good friends in a fantastic guild and the chances to meet new people in real life. - Thwackk Way back in 2006, I began my WoW journey while working at a university library. Started as a Gnome Warlock and quickly moved on; alt hopping for a while before I finally settled on my Undead Warrior. From there it was a long slow trek through complete noobishness, putting points in all the talent trees until I was finally good enough to raid. Worked my way to leading raids, where I met the love of my life. We are now married and are still raiding and playing wow together all the time. - Dedguy I started playing World of Warcraft back during beta when a friend let me make a toon on his account and from that point I was hooked. The raid environment only sank the hook in even deeper. The teamwork needed to down raid bosses, along with the personal accountability of getting your gear gemmed, enchanted, and reforged for your spec allows for enough individuality within the team environment to feed all of the MMO hunger I have. The evolving class changes and raids will continue to keep me on the hook for quite some time. - Bar The GameOn Magazine