World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 70

ARTICLE 70 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine learn that Sheldon has called the don’t go having any bad dreams. It was literally used to describe someone who actually was new police to report somebody hacking Possibly one of the biggest his World of Warcraft account and ways that World of Warcraft has to the game and not meant as an clearing it out of all items and influenced the wider culture is in the insult, as opposed to ‘noob’. Both gold. While this makes light of the form of language. There are words stem from the term newbie. situation, it is a problem a lot of and phrases that have stemmed In World of Warcraft, players people can relate to in MMORPG from, or at least been spread by collect items for their characters gaming, and World of Warcraft in the game. In the gaming world, the and these items have differing particular. Just about everyone has term ‘noob’ is used all over as a put quality levels. These range from been the victim, or knows someone down, insinuating that someone is the abundant ‘common’ items who has been the victim of one so bad at the game, they are acting all the way up to the rare ‘epic’ of these incidents. While Sheldon like they are new to it. While I am and ‘legendary’ gear that is most Cooper’s character is prone to over not suggesting the term came from sought after. The word ‘epic’ dramatising trivial problems, anyone WoW, it certainly became more main gained popularity in the game who this happens to will usually feel stream as a result of being used in as a general term for anything much the same as Sheldon does. the game. The less common ‘newb’ particularly impressive, even if it Luckily Blizzard have an excellent was also used fairly frequently in wasn’t an actual ‘epic’ item. It also system of recovery for when this the earlier days of WoW although it seemed to have caught on outside particular nightmare strikes, so doesn’t turn up that often any more. the game and outside gaming in The GameOn Magazine