World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 63

World of Warcraft Community Magazine // 63 WHY WOW? ARE THERE less frequent. Wow has over a table from one another. With that OTHER GAMES YOU’VE FANCIED twenty year history in lore, and setting, the show does become more CREATING PODCASTS FOR? lends itself to discussion much personal for the listening audience. Rewt: I don’t really have time for more than two or so games in my more easily than any other game. The general format for Freckleface: It’s conversational, but we always have a main life. When we started Hearthcast, Hearthcast is very much a “talking message to it, which is what WoW was the only game I was heads” conversational style. I believe sets us apart. playing. When we’ve branched Was this a deliberate choice? out and tried other games, like Making the audience feel like the show is Hearthcast AoE which SW:TOR, we’ve talked about it they are just listening to two can get a little crazy. Whose idea on the show and how that game friends talking over coffee? was it for a quiz where “eh, near One of your regular spots in enough” was a qualifier for the relates to WoW and what WoW Rewt: It was a natural can learn from those games - progression for us. After doing a like AOE looting from SW:TOR. weekly show for five years with Rewt: Giving full credit where Freckleface: We definitely hardly any interruptions, we’ve credit is due, Hearthcast AOE was don’t have time for a second grown to work off each other very inspired directly from a radio game weekly show, if we did do another well. We do record the show in show called “Closest to the Pin”, podcast it would have to be much a studio, sitting directly across a which can be heard on the Philips answers? It’s pretty inspired. The GameOn Magazine