World of Warcraft Community Magazine Issue 1 | Page 6

LORE 6 // World of Warcraft Community Magazine THE LORE-DOWN THE CURRENT STAGE By Heather Cook As everyone who plays WoW is probably aware (unless they’ve been living under a rock for the last few months) there’s been a new expansion announced - Warlords of Draenor. T Currently from an In his may seem confusing are lucky enough to own a beta key to those that follow the but chose not to and simply go on Character point of view the main lore of the game given that Draenor to try out new spells - we’re going facts are known throughout was corrupted and near-to-being- to have a brief overview on what the civilians of Azeroth: destroyed-without-actually- Blizzard have made us aware of being-destroyed as you can get; in game so far to ensure we keep total and utter a-hole - seriously, however Blizzard have assured to the same lore knowledge our unless your toon is a major Garrosh us through a clever use of time characters would within the WoW follower or have been living under mechanics it’s a completely feasible environment. As we grow closer that rock again; then they’d be aware and lore-abiding expansion. to the release of WoD and indeed of his misunderstood views, raging following this, we’ll be reflecting hormonal outbursts and fetish and main storyline for those not upon the most up-to-date lore and for all things spiky. His decisions playing the beta - or even those who knowledge ingame at the time. have caused the Horde to split, Without spoiling the quests The GameOn Magazine * Garrosh Hellscream is a